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  • @Cinquantesix


    I'm not sure to understand how srcset work with mediaqueries. Is it an other way (best practicies) to add different image for different view?

    I think my sass file is not the best, but, did I need to do a 7:1 architecture even for little project like that?

    Responsive Product Card







    I don't think you "have to" use 7:1 scss file structure if you don't need it. It's a recommendation to organise your files, components and folder when the project gets big and will help when multiple developers work on the same code base.

    One way I like with srcset as @Pradeep mentioned, is the option to switch file depending on screen resolution. For example you can have a retina image with double or triple pixel density only load if the screen is retina. The network tab in your developer tools is useful to experiment and see the different files loading.

    On your html file, you are adding a <main></main> then a div inside with the wrapper class. this div looks unnecessary to me. You can simple have your wrapper class to the <main> tag. Then have a <footer> tag underneath for attributions.

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Hi ! Congrats on your first challenge :)

    If your question is about centering the card on the screen, I would set the position on your wrapper. Your body has a 100vh height, then you place your wrapper in the middle of it.

    #wrapper {
        max-width: 400px;
        position: absolute;
        left: 50%;
        top: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

    Good catch with the flip animation, it looks sweat. To go even further you could experiment with transform-style: preserve-3d .

    Some feedback I can give you on your JavaScript.

    • Try to have meaningful names in your variables that are logical for other people to read. For example, you have a variable called RadioHeight but it is an array of your radio-ratings input.
    • You are using a form, but adding an event listener to the submit button. You can find informations on the form events instead.

    I hope my comment helps you for your future experimentations.

    Cheers 👍

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Hi, and good job on completing the challenge !

    By reading your code, I can give you a few suggestion for your html markup. You can find much better and more accessible html tags then nested divs.

    1. <div class="text"> could be replaced by a <p> tag
    2. <div class="rating-wrapper"> and <div class="rating"> could be worked with a list. <ul> and <li> or a form with inputs (each numbers) and a <button type="submit">
    3. <div class="content-two"> could be another <section>


    I hope my comment helps you.


  • P



    Good work on the challenge ! It looks very close to the original design.

    To be very picky here... you can reduce the font-weight of your text under the headline to 400. Here it looks like you have the same font-weight as the title.

  • Dan Lucas 60



    Never had my code reviewed so unsure how efficient my code is. In my head I"m sure it could be much tidier. Not sure if I've gone about the javascript the best way. Were list-item elements the best choice for the numbers? I also found the colours in the provided file seemed off so I used a colour picker to get as close as I could.




    Hi, nice one ! I like the little animation effect you added for the thankyou state.

    Regarding your concern about the javaScript, I think it's an interesting approach to keep it as generic as possible. Here you are taking the value of a selected element and you are handling your conditions based on that value. If tomorrow you want to change the rating with other values, special characters, or emojis, you'll have to write a complete different script.

    For the numbers, I personally used radio buttons as inputs in a form. Is it the best practice? I don't know. I felt it was a possible choice as we select a rating and submit an answer. It make it quite generic as I can simply change the value in the inputs and keep the exact same script working.

    I hope my comment helps you.

    Cheers !

  • Greta Li 170



    Hello guys! This is my first challenge here, and I enjoyed it! :D

    There is something I'm unsure of: What's the common way to avoid redirection after submitting a form?

    • When I was coding the sucess area, it kept directing me to another page or refreshing after clicking the submit button.
    • To avoid this, I add a ifram tag right after form. Is this way correct?
    <form target="iframe_to_remain_same_page">...</form>
    <iframe id="id_iframe" name="iframe_to_remain_same_page" style="display:none;">

    :) peace!




    Hello, congrats on completing the challlenge ! To avoid redirection to another page when submitting the form you can add in your submit function something to prevent the default behavior of the form. In your function, pass the event and add : event.preventDefault();

    example :

    const handleForm = (e) => {
    // rest of your form function

    I hope it helps.

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Hi, good work! A few feedback on your solution to make it closer from the original design.

    • Make the box-shadow more subtle and more distant from the card container.
    • apply a lighter font-weight for the age
    • Add a bit of letter-spacing in the bottom lines ( followers, likes, Photos) to improve readability

    For the placement of the SVG I struggled also. At the end I used background images on the body. I changed the size and position with viewport height and width on different media queries. (I don't think that's a perfectly working solution).
