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  • @Adithya-CJ


    I found difficulty in coding a navbar and how to make the content slide down when the dropdown is clicked. I am unsure that whether the way I used media querry is the right way.

    Intro Section



    Bizzare 1,320



    Wow your code is really nice 🎉🎉 You put so much efforts in your CSS and that made your code really look beautiful 👌👌. But I noticed that your website isn't responsive on all devices. One of the crucial aspects of being a web developer is ensuring that your website is responsive in all devices. If not your designs would look displaced and it wouldn't be nice, so I would advise you to learn more about media queries in CSS this feature helps you create a well responsive website on all devices. The rest of your code was okay. Hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    Wow your code is really great and well organised for a beginner 🎉🎉 But I kinda noticed something was up with your code. Instead of using just div tags for your entire code try making use of semantic HTML tags like:* header tag: <header></header>, main tag: <main></main>, section tag : <section></section>, nav tag: <nav></nav>, and footer tag: <footer></footer>* This helps other people understand your code correctly And also I noticed some wrong code in your scss file that made your style look off in your CSS I would also advice you to have a better understanding of Flex and Flexbox in CSS The rest of your code was okay. 👌 Hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @roleigh1 your code was cool 👌👌, but you made quite some mistakes in your code javascript especially and you didn't write the correct file path for the icon at the title of your website; it is suppose to be this <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="favicon-32x32.png"> not this <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="./images/favicon-32x32.png"> , i always advice people to test their codes for bugs before and after commiting it to their repository this really helps out cause you might be good at programming and coding in general you might have made some mistakes in you code, this action called debugging helps you realise your shortcomings and helps you mend and improve your code, the rest of your code was okay 👌, hope this feedback was helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    nice going @diazlubis19 your code was really nice 👏👏,hear are some tips i think would help out; i went through your code and found out that most of your codes were div-tags and though it may not affect you now but later on its gonna seem like a drag when you are dealing with larger or bigger projects instead of using just div-tags all the time try using other tags in conjunction with div-tags for example: main-tag: <main></main>, header-tag:<header></header>, nav-tag:<nav></nav>, footer-tag: <footer></footer>, section-tags:<section></section> these tags are self explanatory and they help other people understand your code better,the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • @PChaparro


    It was a little bit difficult to style the images of the hero component, but i think i finally got it. ¿Any suggestion / feedback 😁?

    Used technologies:

    • Typescript
    • React
    • CSS modules
    • Vite

    Easy bank landing page



    Bizzare 1,320



    hey @PChaparro your code was absolutely amazing you did well using multiple frame works👏👏, but there was just something you didnt do well i checked out your solution on mobile view i found out that some of your elements was over your button and it made your website look kinda weird, i am sure that you must have forgotten to debug your code judging from the appearance of your website. i always advise people to at least try and debug their codes after committing their files to their repository this helps out in a lot of ways. this is a helpful tool to us as a developer, the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    @lcabrera13 about the question you asked the answer is yes they are really different, the img-tag(<img>) element is for images that are part of the content, while CSS background images are purely decorative, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @lucasdeabril your code was absolutely amazing 👏👏, here are some tips on how to better your code, when i checked out your code i found out that most of your code was wrapped around div-tags and this could really get messy if you are dealing with a larger project, so i think you should try out other tags like section-tags(<section></section>), footer-tag(<footer></footer>),main-tag(<main></main>),nav-tag(<nav></nav>) and header-tag(<header><header>) these tags are self explanatory and they help other people understand your code better, the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feed back was helpful 👍👍

  • stiratto 160



    If you want to test the resolutions, you should know that every time you change the resolution, it reloads the page so that it works correctly.

    The email input below can also be sent with Enter.

    Next time I'll use toggle() so I don't change so many styles in JavaScript.


    Bizzare 1,320



    hey @Stiratto your solution was really amazing 👏👏,here are some feedback to help you better your code; i noticed when i went through your website when i clicked on the answers the icon(angle) it rotated to the top but when i clicked on it again it didn't rotate back and also i tried using mobile view for your website it didn't work out quite well i think that you should have gone through your code before submitting especially the media queries aspect in your css i know that judging from your website that these things are actually things that you forgot, so i will advice you to do some debugging before submitting your code this really helps out because it helps you realize your shortcomings as a web developer,the rest of your code was okay👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @trevisandaniel your challenge was totally amazing 👏👏,here are some tips to help you better your code; when i went through your code i noticed you only used div-tags, using just div tags in your body-tag for your sections look kinda messy try using other interactive tags like section-tags(<section></section>),main-tag(<main></main>),header-tag(<header></header>),nav-tag(<nav></nav>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>) these tags are self explanatory and they help out when other people are trying to understand your code better, the rest of your code was okay👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @Kyriacos-Stavrinides i will say your coding skills is not that bad for a beginner. i think you should focus more on html and css check out this free course it emphasis on html and css ( also this was a javascript challenge ,try doing challenges that you know that you can do , hope this feedback was helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    heyy @imenehaissam your code was amazing 👏👏🎉,here are some tips on how to better your code ; i noticed in your code the background didn't cover the entire page this is because you didn't set the background for the body, you should have done it like this (body{background:hsl(30, 38%, 92%)}) and also wrapping your entire code just all around div-tags looks kinda messy don't you think try using other interactive tags together with div-tags to make a clean and understandable code like main-tag(<main></main>), nav-tag(<nav></nav>),header-tag(<header></header>),section-tags(<section></section>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>) these tags are self explanatory and also they make your code cleaner and more understandable. the rest of your code was okay👌👌 . hope this feedback was helpful👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @ageddesi your code was really awesome 👏👏🎉. here are some tips i have that will help you better your code; i went through your code and noticed that all your layout-sections where just div-tags, wrapping your codes around div-tags looks kinda messy you should try adding other layout-sections like the main-tag(<main></main>),nav-tag(<nav></nav>),section-tags(<section></section>),header-tag(<header></header>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>). these tags are self explanatory and they help out when someone is trying to understand your code. the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @MariaSolArroyo your code was absolutely amazing 👏👏. here are some tips that will help better your code; i noticed in your code you wrapped all your layout sections in div-tags, wrapping your code around just div-tags feels kinda messy try out other interactive layout sections like main-tag(<main></main>),nav-tag(<nav></nav>),header-tag(<header></header>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>) these tags are self explanatory and they help other people understand your codes much more better. the rest of your code was okay 👌✔, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    nice coding skills you've got there @Skatetablet👏👏 , your code was totally amazing ✔✔. here are some things you forgot in your code; i noticed some little things that was missing in your code like the background for your price and also there wasn't enough padding at the bottom of your code, this things i just listed out may be little but they are very critical to a programmer, what sometimes make people stand a chance of being shortlisted for interview is because of how the appearance of their portfolio is, two people may make one website but one forgot to add padding in their body-tag that will give the other guy who added padding to his body-tag an upper hand on getting shortlisted for the interview, as a programmer don't be in a hurry cause the more work you put into a website the better it becomes. the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @InanBerkin your code was totally amazing 👏👏 here are some tips i think will better your code wrapping your code in only div-tags looks rather messy try using other interactive tags like section-tags(<section></section>),main-tag(<main></main>),header-tag(<header></header>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>) this tags are self explanatory and they help out in case other people want to understand your code better, the rest of your code was okay👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful👍👍

  • @usmanahmedkhan09


    Hi fellows :)

    This is my solution with the SASS module, CSS flexbox, and Vue.js.

    I have deepened the use of SASS focusing on splitting into modules and reusing code through mixins and variables. I got more familiar with the Mobile-first approach and with the flexbox

    The default part in which I face hurdles is making the custom modals for show popups but I tackle them by creating reusable components which helps me a lot secondly I managed state using Vue pinia however it's for a large project but here I gained some experience.

    But I also need your comments to improve myself more please check my work and guide me

    Thank you for taking the time to check out my project and happy coding!

    Crowdfunding Product Page



    Bizzare 1,320



    hello @usmanahmedkhan09 your code was totally amazing 👏👏 here are some things you missed in your code; your radio button doesn't toggle if you click it it just stay like that and also in your modal section the numbers didn't align properly and there are on the top, as a programmer it is very important to do a review on your code before submitting so you will know what part of your code needs debugging this is something that no programmer can out grow whether he/she is a beginner or a pro because it helps us know our shortcomings , the rest was okay, hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @SonLuka22 your front-end skills are amazing 👏👏 but you missed something that is very important. you should learn about media queries cause that will really be very helpful to you in the long run, if you are wondering what are media queries; it's like a built in property that enables website look different on different devices for example phones , tablets and laptop. i think for you to be a functional web developer you should learn about media queries. the rest of your code was okay, hope this was helpful 👍👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @angeldhawnn your code was okay 👌👌, but you kinda made a mistake in your code at the bottom of your code the background color was white i think you should have done this instead (body{ background-color: hsl(216, 12%, 8%);}) this would make the entire html document background to be same and also wrapping your entire codes around div-tags look kinda messy try using other interactive tags instead like section-tags(<section></section>),header-tag(<header></header>),main-tag(<main></main>) and footer-tags(<footer></footer>) these tags are self explanatory and they help other people understand your code better. hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @4thowhefe your code was absolutely amazing 👏👏, i think your front end skills are amazing, here are some tips to help you better your code; i think you forgot to import your styles from google fonts and also you deleted all the extra files and folders that was in the challenge folder and i think that is why you didn't have any image in your website as a web developer certain things shouldn't be taken for granted some of those images where to show you how your solution should look like the files were to show you the font-size and colors you should use on your site and also some of the images were to what image will be displayed on your website. to be a good coder i think that you shouldn't take things likely all those files were resources to help you make the website as it is in the challenge. the rest of your code was okay. hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @Mohammedsalih1 your code was totally amazing 👏👏 , here are some things you forgot in your code , despite being a talented coder there are some thing's that you should look out for ; for example you missed the font-family. no matter how good of a coder you are you should always aim for a beautiful website this helps out in a lot of aspects like helps you being shot listed for interviews and stuff ,gives off a first impression when some one sees your code or website you might be good at java script and html but the first thing people look at when they see your website is actually how it appears i think that you should check out the appearance of your code before submitting. the rest of your code was okay hope this feedback was helpful 👍👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @mahmoudkarama your challenge was absolutely amazing but you missed a few things like applying hover effects to some certain parts of your code. i think that you should do a quick review on your code before submitting this helps out in case there is any part of your code that needs debugging. the rest of your code was okay 👌👌, hope this feedback was helpful👍👍👍

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @Mario97M your code was totally amazing 👏👌 here are some tips to better your code ; in your css instead of using position absolute for your code to center your card u should have used this instead (body{ display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-contents:center; align-items:center; }) for more understanding learn more about css flex-box and grids and also wrapping your code all of your code around div-tags look kinda messy try using other interactive tags like main-tag(<main></main>),section-tags(<section></section>), header-tag(<header></header>) and footer-tag(<footer></footer>) . hope my feedback was helpful 👍👍

  • Bizzare 1,320



    heyy @Oppy09 i would say your code isn't all that bad for a beginner tho here is some tips for your code, i think you should have a quick review on your code to check some aspects of your code that needs debugging like for example your image didn't display on your website and your font-family looked like the default font on your code editor and also have this in mind as a beginner nothing should be taken for granted . we came on front end mentor not just to earn points but also to build our experience and better our coding skills, every coding opportunity you have take it seriously remember that coding is like an open book exam things that you don't really know about you can check them out on youtube and get the answers you are looking for, this will boost your learning process and it will also be helpful in the long run as you pursue your coding career, hope this feedback was helpful

    Marked as helpful

  • Bizzare 1,320



    hey @GuilhermeCantanhede your code is totally different from the challenge and they gave an example of the challenge we should do ,a replica of how the code should be , it isn't appropriate to write out the file as your html code .
