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All comments

  • @grmajik


    Well you forgot that small background image on the top left corner but good job, keep it up ! 💪

    Marked as helpful

  • @Polariz626


    hello people, this is my forth challenge now. I still write too much unnecessary code and it is a complete mess... but it works! Ok, no. I have to keep getting better. One thing about this code, is that I didn't realize I had my browser with the zoom at 90% :,(. So when you try looking at my piece of art with normal zoom, it will look kind of bad u.u ... but yeah, for the next time I will be more careful. Any feedback is very much appreciated.



    It looks great on my end. Good job. Keep it up 💪

  • @grmajik


    What can be done is to remove the sign in with google thingie.

    I can't see the solution because I don't trust whatever this sign-in thing is actually doing.

  • @grmajik


    DEL and RESET button do the same thing. DEL is to delete only one digit from the input. Also it feels kinda weird to have to click exactly on the thumb to switch a theme.

    Marked as helpful

  • A.K. Afiq 325



    Hi, thanks for checking out my solution for this challenge. I built most of the features right, though I am still not quite satisfied when it comes formatting the number correctly, when arithmetic signs are clicked.

    If someone could help point me in the right direction, I'd be extremely grateful.

    Much thanks to all of you.



    Why do I have to click either 1 2 or 3 to switch theme? I'd like to click on the thumb to switch themes.

    Marked as helpful

  • @sorengrey


    This is my second challenge here on Frontend Mentor!

    I am looking for help with my desktop version. I can't seem to figure out why the purple overlay over the image is showing at the corners. Also, my container div won't center on the page properly. If you use Chrome Devtools to Inspect, you will see there's an invisible column or margin that pushes the div to the left. I'm not sure how to correct this, but would love suggestions.

    I will be adding the README tomorrow, June 23, 2021. Thanks for taking a look!



    If I were you, I'd start over. However, if you want to debug this, imagine this.

    Imagine that you have a box (a regular DIV), then in that box you have two more boxes.

    One box holds your image (do max-width: 100%; height: auto;) Another box holds all your text (in here, format the text however you want)

    Now, do display: flex; on the BIG BOX (the outer div). Your two inner boxes will be displayed side by side.

    Now if you do display: flex; height: 100vh align-items: center; justify-content: center; on the BODY tag, you'll get everything in the center of the page. Go from there and figure out the rest.

    Happy coding 💪

    BTW: Get rid of Bootstrap

    Marked as helpful

  • @grmajik


    Another comment I posted on a different solution

    Remember that GitHub pages are scoped with repo names.

    You are including your CSS with

    "link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css"

    This resolves to

    but you want

    Simply change link tag to

    link rel="stylesheet" href="/Stats-Preview-Card/css/styles.css"

    p.s add the < > in link tag above.

    Marked as helpful

  • @grmajik


    This is cool. Way to go 💪

  • @grmajik


    Hi there.

    1. Your header seems too big in comparison to the design.

    2. Your transition for the footer links feels too slow and I can't distinguish between each category for the links. Make the "product" "contact" "connect" text a different styling. Maybe make the other links smaller ?

    3. On mobile devices you can't ever "hover" on elements, so I doubt your mobile nav menu would work for these devices. Maybe you'd want to make both desktop version and mobile work on click to expand the dropdown.

    Overall good job, keep on coding brother ! 💪

  • P



    Feedback welcome. The calculator has just basic functionality. It only allows one operation at a time, and does not allow re-use of the previous solution value. You must hit reset between each calculation.



    Nice one. Few things I noticed.

    1. Subtraction does not work properly. It does addition instead.
    2. If you click on a number then press DEL, the number field is halved in size!

    Good job. 💪

  • @rrgmon


    How do I avoid text from overflowing when I have all the questions opened up?

    Right now on my live site, if you open up all the questions at once. It breaks. I could not figure out how to work with that.



    Why would you ever have all questions opened? Figure out how to close an opened question when you open another, problem solved.

    P.S: Your 1440px version looks a bit too big, almost double the original design, other than that, good job 💪
