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    Had a lot of fun with this one. I learnt a few new things, mainly to do with keyboard accessibility. The JS was tricky at stages but I'm happy with the solutions I came up with for some of the problems. I went a step further and added an animation upon winning which I think adds a little cherry on top of an awesome challenge. I know I still have some responsiveness to fix in areas but overall happy with the result

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    This is one of the funnest challenges I've done so far on Frontend Mentor. I gave myself a weekend to complete this and I succeeded meeting this time constraint. Some of the aspects that gave me the most trouble was the size of the logic involved when alternating between different grid sizes, players and themes. Also figuring out the winners for the end screen and ordering them took a lot more problem solving than I thought it would.

    Overall this functions exactly how I want to and I even took it a step further to add a flip animation to each of the tiles when chosen.

    Some things I need to consider for debugging are:

    1. If the user spams a single button then they will rack up points and in turn finish the game. I'm thinking I'll just add a class that blocks a button being chosen.
    2. There are some styling features I need to change for responsiveness; mainly font-size

    In the future, and as much as I love vanilla JS, I really want to learn some JS frameworks to make this process a bit more efficient so open to any suggestions on where I should start

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    Really enjoyed this one, I utilized vanilla JS which potentially creates more complicated and longer code but I'm hoping to learn more efficient ways in the future so happy for any suggestions on how to clean up the code. Making the computer block turns was fun to solve. These more complex projects are advantageous to better understand the importance of planning out the process rather than getting straight into the code

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    Had a go at trying Accordion Menu with no JS using details and summary HTML, the biggest issue I had was with the summary::after icon clipping on mobile screen size, this is something I need to look at a bit more and figure out why it is happening.

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    The current issue I'm having is with the focus border of the input after the error message turns it red. In my JS I remove the red border after the input is greater than 0 however it seems to not add the border on focus again after that

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    So I made this Connect Four before I realized there was a challenge on Frontend Mentor but I still figured it would be useful to post it for some feedback and general advice.

    This was one of my first in depth projects that included different JS techniques and I had a lot of fun learning ways to make this work. One of the more interesting aspects was figuring out how to make the computer actively play and block moves without making it impossible to win

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    In this challenge I went for a checkbox method to toggle between the two pricing options in addition to a little bit of JS. Happy with how this ended up. Just wondering if there's any way this could be done without javascript? I'm assuming it used display:none when checked or unchecked.

    Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated

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    Happy with how this turned out. I did notice there were some accessibility issues on safari that affected the grid layout in desktop view. Works more seamlessly on chrome. any advice to fix that would be appreciated

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    Played around a bit with the responsiveness on this one. Please let me know if it works and what I could do to improve it.

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    After some general feedback.

    • Is HTML layout appropriate as well as responsiveness
    • Could I be more efficient with my code anywhere?
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    mobile first

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Made custom social media icons for this one which was fun

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    Looking for resources to download the social media icons that are supposed to be in the footer section I couldn't find any decent ones that were compatible.