Interactive rating component
- JS
My Process
Built with
- Vite - development environment
- React - JS library
- GSAP - animation library
- Emotion - CSS-in-JS library
- Sass - CSS preprocessor
- PostCSS - CSS postprocessor
- Eslint - linter
- Prettier - code formatter
What I learned
- React Basics
- CSS-in-JS
- setting constants and mixins for applying styles
- ajax post request, error handling, loading animation
- form validate
Continued development
- CSS Interaction
- CSS Grid
- Svg icons, image
- GSAP animation
- Switch favicon between dark and light modes
- Displaying webfont using webfont loader
- Issue-driven development
I feel like I have learned the basics of REACT by building this project.
But from here, how can I make it more practical and scalable?
Any input would be appreciated.
Thank you.