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All comments

  • Cyuzuzo Bienvenu• 220



    Hello guys! I just finished the Order summary card challenge and I would like your feedback on this: Alt text: I tried my best to make them meaningful but I know I can improve. Naming classes: I tried using the BEM naming but still going back to my codes and finding a specific class is giving me a headache. Annual plan: I used grid on the annual plan but the spacing was far from what I wanted so I used padding inside. Any suggestions on this and anything else are welcome!


    Celestino Trosso• 200



    @media (min-width: 640px) { body { background: url(images/pattern-background-desktop.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: var(--clr-300); } }

    it´s advisable to define min or max-widths in ems, and another Thing is that the background image size should be 100%, in Mobile and desktop.

  • Leone DaVinci• 340



    This challenge was very challenging, because even if it wasn't necessary, in the original documentation of the challenge, there was a bonus that was to do this challenge without using Javascript, so there were numerous attempts to reach this result, but it was worth it. This challenge was certainly the hardest to accomplish and I still completed it. If anyone has any tips or wants to provide me with a better solution I would gladly take it haha. Good studies and stay focused <3

    Celestino Trosso• 200



    BRIGADAO tem alguns recursos que possas partilhar mano? Livro, tutorial ou qualquer coisa que acha que seria importante um beginner a estudar??

  • Celestino Trosso• 200



    Do you follow Kevin Powell on youtube? if not, please consider it.

  • Leone DaVinci• 340



    This challenge was very challenging, because even if it wasn't necessary, in the original documentation of the challenge, there was a bonus that was to do this challenge without using Javascript, so there were numerous attempts to reach this result, but it was worth it. This challenge was certainly the hardest to accomplish and I still completed it. If anyone has any tips or wants to provide me with a better solution I would gladly take it haha. Good studies and stay focused <3

    Celestino Trosso• 200



    Que massa mano! eu tentei mais de 100 vezes mas sem o resultado desejado. podes passar por favor algumas ideias?
