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  • @jeremiahlateef


    Hello Karem, always build for the mobile screen before you build the desktop screen. Most users will use a phone to check your site rather than a desktop or a laptop. You did well for the bigger screen but the smaller screen does not display all the features properly. Also, learn what sematic tags means and how to properly apply it to the HTML file.

    Marked as helpful

  • @jeremiahlateef


    Hi Ayush, your code needs a little bit of tweaking. For the background, add background-repeat: no-repeat, background-size: cover. For the "Annual Plan", change it from h3 to h4. Change the font-size of the dollar figure to 14 or 13.

    Nice work!

    Marked as helpful

  • @jeremiahlateef


    I wasn't given the color for the box-shadow property so I had to invent one. The background-image I was given was also different. All in all, it was a fairly easy challenge.



    Wow. So much to recommendations. Thank you so much, Darrycodes! I have implemented all you wrote. Didn't know I still had so much to still do. Really appreciate the help.

  • @jeremiahlateef


    I don't think I have any specific questions but I believe detailing some of the challenges I faced may help another person who may want to attempt the challenge.

    1. Try and learn the basics of properties such as min-height, min-width, and percentages before embarking on the project.
    2. Learn how to center an image.
    3. Learn the basics of CSS Flexbox as you may likely need it.
    4. Use the font-size you're comfortable with.
    5. Always believe in yourself when you experience challenges (I experienced a whole lot but I never gave up).
    6. Breaks are allowed. Don't beat yourself up too much.

    I wish you good luck in solving the challenge.



    Thank you so much, Peter, for the awesome feedback. I didn't expect someone to review it so soon. On the second recommendation, I do not know what a 'BEM' structure is. Could you care to elaborate more on it? On the third recommendation, I didn't think it was important to add a transition to both elements, but will now apply it on both elements and on future projects. Thank you for the first recommendation. I really appreciate it.

    Kind Regards, Jeremiah Lateef.
