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  • @lancemartija


    It's been a while since I've done some challenges here on Frontend Mentor. I have to admit, I'm getting kinda rusty with my JavaScript and CSS game. I'm really not that confident with my skills when it comes to JS, but I'm still getting the work done pretty nicely actually. In this project, I kinda didn't know how to create an image carousel, so I just tried to do it my way instead. I'm not proud of it, but hey, it works. Honestly though, I didn't know what I was doing and it's kind of embarrassing to share my code this way. Anyway, it would be awesome if you were to leave some insights on how I should've made the image carousel. I would highly appreciate any form of criticisms or helpful insights you'd like to share.

    Thank you in advance. Keep on coding! ^^



    By the way, it's still an ongoing project. The mobile layout is finished, but the break-point between mobile and desktop view still looks a little bit janky.

  • @lancemartija


    I made a responsive landing page using Sass, BEM, a little bit of JavaScript, and HTML5. I had a lot of fun building this landing page. I feel like I have improved a lot since I started undertaking projects from Frontend Mentor, though, I'm still having a hard time progressing quickly. It seems like I get stuck mostly on trying to perfect a certain area of the website and it consumes a lot of my time. Either way, any improvement is always welcome no matter how big or small.

    If you have any suggestions on how I could manage my time or break down sections to work with in creating websites, please let me know. I want to learn enough front-end stuff so that I can move on to back-end development.

    Thanks for your feedback. Keep on coding!



    My OCD just kicked in tonight so I fixed the HTML issues. I think I'm addicted to front-end development. If you're wondering, currently it's 3:05 am in PH. Yes, I should get some sleep, and yes, I should take care of myself.

    ...I just can't help but fix my errors just to get that sweet, sweet 0 issues.

    Anyway, don't be like me! Get some proper sleep and don't be too perfectionist. It's a curse I shall live with! HAHAHA.

    As always, keep on coding!

  • @lancemartija


    Hi, Ravindra. It seems like you entered the wrong github repository link. Instead of directing me to your Stats Preview Card Repository, it directs me to "" instead.

  • @mohammed-kh10


    The items are not hidden , but you just need to activate the animate I used sass language for design and AOS plugin for animate and , I am waiting for you feedback, good luck 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️



    Hi, Khaled. Congratulations on finishing this project! I just want to point out something about your background images. It seems like you forgot to put "background-repeat: no-repeat;" on your fruit1 and fruit2 sections. Anyway, good job! Keep on coding!

  • Rachael 610



    Wow, this was more of a challenge that I thought it would be! It is my first time creating a responsive navigation with hamburger menu - this was probably the most difficult part for me. I definitely need to improve but I found some helpful articles, including a fun one from @tediko to animate the burger!

    Specific questions that I have:

    • Currently the modal stays open when scrolling - is there a way to close it?

    • I attempted to use sass on this one, even though its a small project. Any feedback on how to do it better?

    • Any other feedback, would be great to hear too 😊



    Wow, it's almost identical! Great job! I'm also working on this project as well and though it looks simple enough, it's still giving me quite a few headaches. Anyway, I just want to suggest something about how you use Sass. It seems like the Sass Team is phasing out the use of "@import" and are urging users to use "@use" and/or "@forward" instead. I don't know if you know this already, but it wouldn't hurt mentioning it now, yes? Hahaha. Anyway, congratulations on finishing this project. Keep on coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @lancemartija


    This is awesome!

    Great job. Though I have to point out something about the theme toggle buttons. It seems like it shows a small scroll bar right beside it. And I can't seem to view the calculator properly on mobile view. There's also a bug that outputs "undefined" when I click the equals sign without inputting any numbers and it even lets me add operators with it. Anyhow, it's pretty well done. Again, great job!

    One more thing, I suggest you use HTML5 landmarks so that your HTML code will be much more accessible and cleaner.

    Keep on coding!

    Marked as helpful
