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All comments

  • @lc-dev90


    Hello Divyanshu, i have one question, when I hit the details countrie page and refresh it I don't lose the data, the page was refresed. How can I made this? Thank you

  • @lc-dev90


    Good work!

    Some improvments:

    In your desktop breakpoint, you can change your container properties to:

    .container{ width: 600px; max-width: 90%; }

    In your 768 media querie break point, you can change your container properties to: .container{ width: 350px; max-width: 95%; }

    Don't forget to put a :hover effect in your signup button and the cursor pointer property!

    Happy coding

  • @pierre-pellegrino


    I had to hide the footer when screen width is less than 375px, otherwise it would display in front of my page. I don't know how to fix it yet. Update : Fixed thanks to @lc-dev90!



    Great job!

    Try setting out you max-height: 800px; value in your container to move you footer down.

    You can change your media querie breakpoint from 375px to 500 +

    But overall looks good!!

  • Martina 20



    Hey, I just finished this challenge. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome! ✨



    overall looks really good!

  • @davidrhyne


    Thank you for reviewing the project! I have the following questions and I would really like some feedback to help improve this and future projects.

    1. a. Was the theme switch intended to be 'draggable'? I was thinking it should have been because the slider has a hover effect, but I am not sure that is possible with the current input/radio solution.

    2. b. Is there a simpler way to implement this switch and if so, would you please share a keyword to research?

    3. For the hover behavior on the keypad buttons, from the spec, it looks like the button face and not the shadow should change with the hover. I got a version of that working, but I am thinking there may be an easier way to implement this and would like to know what I missed.

    Thank you for any feedback, it is greatly appreciated!



    overall looks very good!

  • @lc-dev90


    You can easily do this challenge using Css grid layout and the grid-template-area propertie.

    -1172px your center cards are broken

  • @lc-dev90


    You can use grid css property, mix grid template areas like this:

    display: grid;
          "left center1 right"
          "left center2 right";
    /* and align each of item with align-self and justify self*/
  • @lc-dev90


    You need to check your breakpoints @media queries. But still very good, you rock!
