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    Hello :) The goal of this project was to practice React (with React Hook Form) and Typescript. Styling was not my main focus here, but I really enjoyed using CSS Modules. I'd love to hear your opinion - I'm sure there's a huge room for improvement when it comes to React + TS.

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    Hello! It was by far the hardest and the most frustrating challenge. I encountered hundreds of issues. Some I managed to solve myself; some forced me to give up a few ideas I had. I'm happy the app is working but disappointed same time because I know what should work better.

    Most significant/weirdest issues are:

    1. On live server website path looks great: localhost:3000/ for main page or localhost:3000/ESP for Spain and so on. After deploy the address got weird, and I have no idea what's wrong.

    2 [SOLVED]. On the country page, buttons representing border countries are generated BUT I can't make them redirect to the relevant country. URL changes, but component not. I tried to wrap the component with withRouter but still nothing. I found one working way, but it was refreshing the whole website.

    As always, I'd be really grateful for the feedback! :)

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    Hello! This challenge was a perfect escape from a quite exhausting JS course I've been taking at the moment. Nothing satisfies as much as seeing raw text becoming something pretty (it was a very long process though). I made a huge mistake trying to write a script changing images depending on document width, which appeared to be unnecessary, cause I could easily achieve it in HTML and CSS :D.

    Thank you Matt Studdert for this amazing website and challenges. I can't believe how much progress I made in just in 2 months thanks to this website!

    Anyway, there's still loads to learn, so I'm really grateful for any feedback :)

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    Hello people! :) I followed Matt's suggestion and coded mobile-first, what seems to be a bit more toilsome, but rewarding as well. For now, I know I have to work on consistency of BEM naming, there's form validation that needs improvement (I added an issue on GitHub repository).

    All suggestions are very, very welcome! :)

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    Hello people! I have a problem with the mobile navbar. This time I'm using JavaScript to make it work and it almost does. The hamburger icon changes to "X" when menu is opened, also changes back to hamburger when clicked outside the menu or when menu item is clicked. Icon doesn't change to hamburger when you just want to exit by clicking it.

    Heres the issue on GutHub:

    Thank you in advance for any help :))