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    Space travel project (Gatsby.js)

    • HTML
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    I do not know why share image does not show up when I want to share the link to my page for example on Facebook. Do you have any idea what might be wrong in my code?

    I will be glad for your answer feedback concerning my project. Thank you.

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    I have created this project with React. I would appreciate any feedback about my project. Thank you in advance!


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    Hello, I would like to ask for help about those two things:

    1. When one or two job offers are filtered, my footer does not stick to the bottom of the page. How to fix this?
    2. I have difficulties with responsiveness on screens lower than 350px, especially when the div with filtered buttons is open. My logo and the mentioned div are covering each other.

    I would really appreciate your help and any other feedback.

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    1. Could you please advise how to properly organise Sass files in React? I tried to import the content of the base folder but I noticed that those styles were rendered 2 times in DevTools.
    2. Could you please advise how to add an overlay while a navigation is open (mobile)? I have no idea how to do it in React.

    Thank you for your help and feedback.

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    Countdown timer

    • HTML
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    • JS



    I would appreciate any feedback. I am thinking how to add flip card animation but so far without any luck. I will be glad for any hint, thank you.

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    This challenge looked easy, however, there was some tricky parts for me.

    I have difficulties with a white-border box below menu (immersive experiences...). It does not look well on very small screen below 360px. Do you have any suggestions how to improve it? My second question is - should I bother myself how the website looks on IE? My website is completely broken on IE beacuse of CSS Grid and picture tags I have applied. In one hand, frontend dev should create websites that look decent on every browser. On the other hand, why should I write a much more code and avoid using benefits of modern CSS. What is your opinion?

    Thank you :)

  • Submitted


    This challenge was not so easy. It it my first solution where I compare my design with original one using PixelPerfect. I also used CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox and BEM.

    I have coded mobile and desktop version and then I compare it with original design and made approvements. Is the way how to work with PixelPerfect? Do you have any other hints or suggestions? I am not satisfied with mobile version. On very small screen 360px on the left side there is a blank space and I do not why how to remove it.

    When it comes to svg, I have noticed that I could override width and height of phone nad email icons /footer section/ without setting viewBox in HTML. This did not work in case of Fylo logo. Have you encounter similar situation and could you explain me why that happens?

    Thank you in advance for your help and hints!

  • Submitted

    Range Slider

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS



    Any feedback is more than welcomed. Thank you!

  • Submitted

    Hi, I tried to use GSAP in order to animate gradient indicator and white box. However I am not so happy with the result. I also tried to make the more dynamic animation in CSS in a way how I want to it to look but I am stuck. Do you have any idea how to make it works? I appreciate any hint when it comes to GSAP or CSS animation. Here is the CSS code I tried to apply:

    .storage__indicator { padding: 0 $spacing * 5; animation-name: storage; animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: linear;

              @keyframes storage {
                0% {padding-right: 0em;}
                20% {padding-right: 1em;}
                50% {padding-right: 2em;}
                70% {padding-right: 3em;}
                100% {padding-right: 5em;}


    Thank you in advance!

  • Submitted

    Hi, I am using Sass in this project and I would like to ask about the best practices. I have added some general styles for p and h1-h6. In footer I needed to change color of h3 and p. I have overridden already written styles and I have added a css class in order to make my text white. Is this approach correct?

    I will be more than glad, if you leave any feedback about my code.

  • Submitted

    Hello, Why according to HTML report issues role="navigation" and role="main" are not neccessary? And of course, any feedback is more than welcomed.

    Thank you

  • Submitted

    Hi, Could you please have a look on BEM I used in the challenge? Does the name of the classes make sense? This is my 3rd project with BEM... Is there any other method how to code a rounded item inside the toggle button? I create <div> inside <button> How can I move the content to the middle of the page without cutting the top grey background on right and left side?

    I would appreciate any feedback from you.

    Thank you and Happy Christmas for all of you :)

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    Hi, please check my code. Any feedback is welcomed. I would be more than glad, if youalso have a look on BEM I used in HTML and SCSS. I am not sure if my code is written properly. Thank you!

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    Hello, feel free to leave a comment about my code. Any suggestions are welcome.

  • Submitted

    Hi guys,

    I must say that challenge was a hard one. Was it really for newbie? :o Anyway, I had difficulties with .pattern-img. Namely, it is bigger than .carousel and .slider inner. On mobile devices less than 375px the whole content is left aligned. It is not what I want. Do you have any hints how to fix it? Thanks a lot