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  • DayaA 100



    1. I don't know the media query property, can someone please give me a resource on it.
    2. I am having a hard time understanding grid property this is the third time i am posting this submit solution again. Can someone please give me an answer on how to do about it or direct resource on it.
    3. i don't know how to take screenshot from google of my project, i don't like firefox screenshot, it very quite different from google.
    Mishael 320



    Hello Aishaakin👋

    For resources on CSS media queries, you can checkout w3schools and/or MDN

    For grid layout, you can take this free course by freeCodeCamp.

    For screenshots, you can use this chrome extension

    Additional tips

    The <html> tag should have a language attribute. It should look like this <html lang="en">. This lets the browser know that your site's is in english and it also helps screen readers to pronounce words correctly.

    You can take a free responsive web design course on freeCodeCamp

    Another thing you can do is to use sematic HTML elements like the <main> tag, <footer> tag, <section> tag, and so on. You can read about them here

    Keep on building, You are doing great👏👏

  • Mirm 80



    I completed this challenge with the help of a tutorial. However, I did have issues making the dice image responsive using media queries. All constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Mishael 320



    Hello Mirm,

    You did some fine work.👏👏

    However, I have a couple of suggestions to make your code even better.

    1) To improve the site's accessibility, try using the <main> tag on the <div> with the class of container. That is, instead of:

    <div class="container">

    you can have a <main> tag with the div inside of it. Like this...

         <div class="container"></div>

    and for the <div class="creator"> try using the <footer> tag instead, like this <footer class = "creator">

    2) You can add

      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      min-height: 100vh

    to your CSS code to center the container div perfectly, in a way that it won't stick to the top of the viewport.

    3) In future projects, try adding a <title> in the <head> tag of your HTML code as this sets a title for your page and therefore, helps with the site's SEO.

    Once again, you did great on this project

    I can't wait to see what you build next.🙂

    Marked as helpful

  • @EdoPito


    Could not round some of the corners, is it because the image is actually a background image that has no repeat and only covers 50% of the card?

    Any other feedback is welcome!!!

    Mishael 320



    Hello Edoardo

    You did some great work on this project

    However, to make your site more accessible, try using the <main> tag for the <div> that has the class of "card".

    Also, you can use the <footer> tag on the <div> with a class of "attribution".

    If you do not want to do that, you can as well add a role attribute to the respective <div> tags For example:

    For the main content, do this: <div role="main" class="card">

    And for the footer, do this: <div role="contentinfo" class="attribution">

    To read more about the use and importance of semantic HTML and the role attribute, check these sites:-

    Semantic HTML - w3schools

    HTML Role Attribute Explained

    Once again, You did well on your project.

    Keep it up

    Marked as helpful

  • Tyler 40



    When I was trying to center the div, with (display: flex, align-items: center, & justify-content: center) . It wasn't moving center of screen but was centering on top of the screen. Any ideas on why it was doing this? I had to use position which I don't think was the "proper" way of doing this.

    Thanks! :)

    • Tyler
    Mishael 320



    Hello Tyler

    You have done well in your code

    However, to address the complaint you made, rather that use the position property, try this...

        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        min-height: 100vh;

    The above code snippet makes the minimum body-height exactly the height of the screen viewport min-height:100vh. Therefore, centering the container in the middle of the page.

    For more explanation on the vh unit, check


    Marked as helpful
