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    Hey there! 🌟 Just wrapped up the 'Interactive Card Details Form' project using Next.js and Open Props. 😊 While working on this project, I realized that even though there are various React libraries available for form building and validation, customizing them to meet the specific design and validation requirements can be quite time-consuming. So, I took matters into my own hands and built the form from scratch! 💪 This allowed me to have greater flexibility and tailor the form precisely to the project's needs, resulting in a more seamless and efficient user experience. 🎯

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    Hello, here's my solution for the "Pricing component with toggle" built with Open Props. I was able to complete the challenge using only HTML and CSS, thanks to the upcoming CSS selector "has".

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    Advice Generator App Built with Open Props

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Hello, this is my solution for the "Advice Generator App" built with Open Props. I decided not to use any JavaScript framework for this app but instead opted to take advantage of the browser's native functionality by using the fetch API. As for the advice text, I believe that with the upcoming CSS property "text-wrap:balance", we will be able to achieve better balance with the automatic length of the text.

  • Submitted

    Hi there 👋, This is my solution for this challenge. 🚀

    Built with:

    • React
    • Open Props
    • PostCSS


    • Add new todo items to your list
    • Mark items as completed
    • Delete items from your list
    • Drag and drop functionality to reorder your tasks
    • Dark and light theme switcher for personalized styling
  • Submitted

    E-commerce product page with Accessible Carousel

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hi there 👋, This is my solution for the E-commerce product page challenge. 🚀

    Built with: Open Props

    Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!

  • Submitted

    Hi there! 👋 This is my solution for the challenge. 🚀

    • I have added a Light and Dark Mode feature and a theme switch component.
    • To represent the data, I created an array of objects that were then mapped to individual <card> components.

    Built with:

    • React JS
    • CSS Modules
    • Open Props
    • Vite

    Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!