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    I felt like the testimonial section really called for a carousel, so I added one using swiper. Let me know what you think. :)

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    As always, any tips, recommendations or suggestions are welcome. A few things...

    • Not sure how to change the color of svgs on hover for the footer social logos. I tried a few things, but nothing seems to be working. Any tips?

    • For the mobile menu, I have the initial state set to display:none and then on click I change it to display:block. The problem is that I want to add transitions such as opacity and scale, but to my knowledge we're still unable to add a transition to display, which negates the other transitions. I tried making it visibility: hidden, instead of display:none, but the problem there is that the menu is covering the clickable elements below and they become unable to click.

    • Random, but is it just me or does it seem like the images that we're provided with for these projects are low quality? I know we don't want to use large file sizes for web, but they seem to be particularly small and therefor blurry on larger screen sizes. I just feel if you're adding a project to your portfolio and the images look blurry, it's going to look bad to the user/viewer. This project in particular has copy on it that says, "Increase your credibility by getting the most stunning, high-quality photos that improve your business image", but the images on the actual site are low-quality.

  • Submitted

    Planet facts site using React/Next.js

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hi all,

    This is my first submission using React/Next.js. All of my other submissions have been "vanilla" html, css, javascript. I feel like I could definitely clean up my code and make it a little more efficient. I feel like it's a little repetitive. I had some issues "sticking the landing" on this one. I feel like the last 10-15% took a similar amount of time as the first 80-85%.

    A few issues/areas for improvement

    • I feel like the templated feel of this site (each planet having the same page just with different content) means I could basically loop over the data.json and create a page for each entry, but I'm not sure how to do that. So, instead I manually made a page for each planet. I also feel like I had to pass in a lot of props. I ended passing 10 props into one component. I'm sure there's a cleaner way to do this.

    • I feel like the imagery takes longer to load than it should, especially the zoomed in view of the planet's surface. Whenever I click on the button that shows that view, it takes a good second or 2 before it shows up. Not sure why because these images are so small.

    • I kind of cheated and for the home/index page, I just basically copied the same exact code for the Earth page instead of re-directing the home page to the Earth page. Not sure how to do that.

    • I'm sure there's plenty of more room for improvement. Suggestions/tips are welcome, as always!

  • Submitted

    This is my first submission in about a year. I'm looking to update my portfolio. It's been interesting looking back at my older projects, comparing and seeing how much I've grown in a year. Having said that, as I'm sure we all know, there's always room for improvement, so if anyone has any tips or suggestions for improvement, please let me know.

    Besides the 'Our Creations' section, I used grid on the 'Leader in Interactive' section to achieve the overlapping of the copy over the image. I've used this process before, but had to go back and look it up again.

    I feel like my Sass/css organization could be cleaner. At my job, we use @import in order to use separate scss files, but I've seen that Sass is recommending we don't use @import anymore and are moving to @use. Curious what other people are using.

  • Submitted

    Hi all,

    My biggest issue is that the mockup has the hero images spilling off the sides of the page and getting cut off, but I'm not sure how to get that effect. Any advice? Thanks!!

  • Submitted

    Hey everybody, I would appreciate any feedback. There's a few things that I couldn't quite figure out.

    • How to change the color of the SVG images. In dark mode, they're supposed to be white. Also, when something is 'Not Available' (i.e. twitter handle) it's supposed to be greyed out. I can't figure out how to change the color at all, let alone how to programmatically change it when something is 'Not Available'.

    • Another thing that's driving me crazy is that when the screen width gets too small the button gets pushed out of the form. Even worse, when the 'No result' error is there, it pushes it even further and 'No result' goes to 2 lines, for some reason.

    • Also, I feel like I could definitely refactor some of my javascript. This is my first "junior" project, after doing a few "newbies".

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Submitted

    This is my third challenge and I'm pretty happy with it. The first challenge was simple enough that I didn't really have to worry much about responsiveness. For the second challenge, I didn't use a mobile first approach and after getting the layout looking good on large screens, it fell apart on mobile size(s), and I had to start over again. This time around I used a mobile first approach and it was soooo much easier. Quite happy with the way this turned out, but of course, always open to suggestions for improvements, tips, etc. As for the javascript, I did have to look up how to verify an email address and found some crazy code that I can't imagine myself (or too many other people) coming up with. If there are better ways to do this, please let me know. Thanks!!

  • Submitted

    Hey guys,

    This is my second submission. Made a few suggested changes in the css and am happy with the layout for the most part. Still would like to improve the functionality. I want to be able to close the accordion when clicking on the question that's already open. As of now, you can open the accordion when clicking on a question and it closes when you click on and open another, but I would like to be able to click the open one again to close it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Submitted

    This is my second attempt at this challenge, implementing several small changes that were recommended when I submitted my first attempt. I added the box shadow on the 'proceed to payment' button (that I missed first time around) and added a 'main' tag for accessibility. I initially had an issue where the background image didn't seem to match the image provided. I figured out that I needed to add a background color AND the background image. My only issue now is that the margin around the "plan" section and the button seems too small. When I change the margin, nothing seems to happen. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!