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  • positivevibesโ€ข 205



    Beautiful looking site Marta. Works great loading my initial IP and coordinates, but as is already being noted by others can't search. Your code was nicely organized and easy to follow.

    I was driving myself crazy trying to use the ipify API ( and it kept giving me a CORS error.

    Referencing your code made me realize I needed to use the ipify GEO API, once I did that worked like a charm no error.

    Feel like a dum dum for not realizing that earlier haha, but thank you, your code was a very helpful reference that got me out of that.

    Great work, looking forward to the search being functional.

  • P
    ApplePieGiraffeโ€ข 30,545



    Hey, everybody! ๐Ÿ‘‹

    I've given a lot of feedback on this particular challenge, and now it's my turn to give it a go! I hope I did okay! ๐Ÿ˜…

    I ended up coding a lot more Sass and JS than I initially expected, but I learned a lot. I decided to put the slider images in my HTML so that I could use the <picture> element for responsive images but stored the text in my JS (feedback on my JS would be appreciated).

    I added some cool transitions to the mobile menu and navigation and created an intro animation (using GSAP) after stumbling upon this YouTube video and remembering Connor Z did the exact same thing (and blew me away when I saw it) when he completed this challenge! ๐Ÿ˜†

    More importantly, I tried to ensure that the design scales up and down nicely (which gave me quite a headache because of this behavior of flexbox), but I think I managed to do it okay in the end.

    Of course, feedback is welcome and appreciated! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Happy coding, everyone! ๐Ÿ˜

    positivevibesโ€ข 205



    Awesome work. Love the intro animation, so cool! Referencing your work was very helpful for me. Thank you.

  • positivevibesโ€ข 205



    Nice work, I'm currently working on the same project. Kinda minor but how are you having the underline animation on the nav links scale out from the center. I'm trying looking in dev tools but don't see how you are doing that. My underlines are scaling out from left to right. Thanks and good work!
