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All comments

  • Coder 270



    Hey! Nice job! A few things I noticed which I would change is -When working on responsive sites it is best to start mobile first and only do the layout styling in a media query for desktop/tablet. -Also I noticed the background image does not look so nice and it doesn't keep its ratio. The way to get around it is to add background-size: cover to your css.

  • Antoine 220



    My first mutli-page website 🙌 there is some details I'm not 100% satisfied with but, next time I'll do it differently. The screenshot looks empty because of the on-scroll animations (Aos library, next time GSAP 👌). Any feedback is welcome.

    Coder 270



    Hey! I just looked at your solution after I did the same one. I noticed some hover and active states were missing. You can have a look at mine 😉.

  • @vickymarz


    Is it preferable to build a website from mobile view to desktop view or the other way round. Please explain why a method is best. Thanks

    Coder 270



    Hey! It is preferable to do mobile first since when on mobile there are usually less layout to do like grid or flex. Once it comes to tablet or desktop then more layout is needed so it is preferable to add those styles then.

  • Coder 270



    Hi, if you will use grid on your cards they will lay out just the way it is shown.

  • subham 220



    I've implemented the solution using HTML and CSS Flex-box. Any feedback is welcomed.

    Coder 270



    Hey! Nice work! 🎉 The easiest way to implement the horizontal line would be to add a border bottom to that middle section and that would come after the padding.

  • Coder 270



    Really nice solution! You did the grid amazing! 🎉

  • Szymon Rojek 4,540



    Hi. Please let me know if you have any suggestions - CR.

    For this project I did:

    • HTML semantic elements;
    • Invisible content just for Screen Reader users;
    • BEM naming;
    • Pseudo-elements for background image;
    • SASS;
    • optimal layout for the site depending on device's screen size;

    Thanks! :D

    Coder 270



    Wow really nice!! 👍 I like the hover transition!

  • Luca 210



    I really enjoyed creating it. I feel like I did a great job but I think I made some mistakes with flexbox for sure.

    Coder 270



    Hey! Your flexbox works good. Just one suggestion there is a property how to set the space between the items in a flexbox with justify-content and then you wouldn't have to use margin on all the items.
