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  • Sapinder 565



    I use React Routes for Home and Details page. And so, I set the following path- <Route path='/detail/:countryName' component={DetailsRoute} />

    Now this causes the frontendmentor accessibility check to produce so many errors as you can see! Basically it's because the countryName has spaces in it and that goes in the href attribute. Now I can't remove the space because to filter the clicked country from countriesData, I did this-

    countriesData.filter(country => === match.params.countryName

    What do I do to get rid of the accessibility errors?



    Hello @sapinder-pal instead of using the country name for links you can use Country Code which doesn't have space in it. If you still want to use Country name then you can use javascript's encodeURI function to encode the name before putting it in the URL and decode it because before using it with javascript's decodeURI function.

    Here is an example of encode decode functions

  • @sagarkaurav


    Hello, @nikkuv really cool animation for the dark mode button. One thing I have noticed is the hover styling for cards are missing

  • @claudiosc8

    Submitted is a great service for IP geolocation. However the free plan doesn't come with the HTTPS (SSL) support. So when I deploy the app on Vercel I got the 'Mixed Content' error, since Vercel provide a free SSL certificate. Do you know a workaround to make the free plan work on Vercel?

    In my solution I replaced with, which is still great and has SSL support. However it has the limit to 10.000 request per month and it is not possible to search by domain (only IP addresses).



    You can use as Frontendmentor recommended it

    Note: You will get only 1000 request per month
