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    Hey there! I did complete this challenge and it was the first time I used a drag and drop library. I also saved the list items to the local storage. Any feedback related to any feature like cross browser support, etc. would be appreciated! Edit 1: Fixed flickering issues from the todo container

  • Submitted

    So finally, I did implement the flip animation! This was somewhat challenging. I had almost no problems while doing the flip in css on hover but to integrate it with setTimeOut is tough!! You have to add and remove classes at specific intervals and make sure that they work properly with the effect.

    My javascript code has kind of become spagghetti code while writing this and it was sad. :(

    I learnt that I am not able to change scss variables using media queries. Guess it is back to css custom properties :_)

    Any feedback on how I could have done it better, what should I have focussed on while solving this would be valued. It would mean so much to me.

  • Submitted

    Hey, guys!

    This is my first time working with intersection observer API. I added these animations to this solution:

    1. Navbar changes color after scrolling past a section
    2. Images slide in with fade in animations when we enter the viewport.

    Still to improve, I need to add:

    1. Hamburger menu animations on opening up the menu
    2. Better animations for the cards with clip-path(maybe)

    Please let me know if any improvement is needed 😁

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone!

    How do I create the flipping calendar animation for this project? I will be glad if someone could help!

  • Submitted

    Hey there! This is my attempt on the fylo landing page. Plz check if the website is responsive and looks good. I have also done a hamburger menu which appears at less than 500px. Credits to Brad Traversy for showing me this. Check out his Youtube channel: Brad Traversy. And here is the video for the hamburger menu.

  • Submitted

    Hey guys. This is my first time using mobile-first website design. Any feedback is appreciated.

  • Submitted

    I have improved upon my past project.The errors have gone down a lot :) Thanks, everyone! Now there is only 2 of them.

    1. My images are created using picture tag. It allows me to change the image based on the size of the screen but it can't be used with a src attribute. There is a source tag for that which decides what image should be there on the basis of my browser size. But this causes a HTML validation issue. What should be done here? About picture element //SOLVED//

    2. It says that form field should contain a label. However here is no label required for this page. How should I fill it?

    3.This textinput element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. I don't understand what is meant by this. Can anybody explain this?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Submitted

    1. How can I create the same background as given in the real image? There are a few curvy lines in the background which are giving a special effect whereas my website background is vey plain looking.
    2. Also, in the source code I have only specified everything size-relaated as pixels. Is this causing anything incorrect in the design? Should I specify as rem or % ?
    3. When trying to create the form, I had to use an image as the button and then locate the button according to css positioning. Is there anything better I can do?

    Thanks for everybody's support.