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    Hi everyone, appreciate your feedback

    If you could look at the way I have manipulated the document and suggest anything would be greatly appreciated. I have seen many using a hard manipulation of document like creating elements using javascript to display the contents but I have just used mostly its textContent of elements already placed in the structure of the document what is your opinion on that.

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    Hi everyone, I will be glad if you look at my solution and find any suggestions.

    Especially the validation part in the form and javascript. I haven't yet looked at the best way or good practice to do the validation in someone's solution or google, I thought to use it from my learning and once completed can look in these, but aside from that if you can suggest me from your knowledge I'd really appreciate it.

    Thank you.

  • Submitted

    As I am new with client-side validation and using constraint validation API it would be really helpful if you could have a look at all these I'm used in the solution and suggest to me anything regarding the best practices and more.

    Also, any suggestions regarding the other side of the solution are welcome.

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    Any suggestion is valuable...

    I want to be clear when choosing the structure of the document, what actually happens is placing elements wrongly cause some of the designing to become not possible and that makes rewriting CSS as well as HTML which ends up in hefty time to finish the project.

    I know it's a learning period and it happens, can someone help with the issue talked above, how I can improve on that?

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    Hi everyone, I tried to design with the exact measurement of the design provided but still the font looks a bit larger to occupy the layout, because of this scrolling is required on the desktop view.

    Does this because of any error I made or something else, it would be really helpful if you can have a look at this.

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, could you look at the following.

    If you look at CSS I have commented out a declaration in the rule '.faq-accordion .faq-list .answer > div', this helps transition while collapsing a question in the accordion, but I commented it out because this transition causes jerking in the component while expanding another question, this is due to visibility property as transition won't work on this property.

    But at the same time accessibility is also important, for them the screen reader should not read out all the answers at a time so either display or visibility property is required.

    How to achieve transition on collapsing the question without that jerking issue at the same time considering accessibility.

    comment out if any error I made or of my perceptions are wrong.

  • Submitted

    Any feedback or suggestions would be very grateful if possible please do a code review that might help for the best and clean coding. Thank you.

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, I would like to ask a couple of questions that came to mind during the development of this solution.

    • Does cards should be fixed or responsive always
    • Here used 'mix-blend-mode' property on the image to get the effect of the card image, what is the best suggestion.
    • What do you prefer to use in the solution, only flexbox, grid or something else?
  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, it would be really nice if you share some resources on the following

    • Transition and 2D specific challenges to thorough the knowledge
    • Best hover effect resources from your experience to check on how to design it.
  • Submitted

    It is very much appreciated if you could code review my solution as I'm a self-taught developer there might be a lot of errors or bad practices may be seen throughout the code.

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    The solution is made with the help of CSS flexbox and intentionally omitted CSS grid as the MDN suggest if possible use flexbox because the grid is comparatively newer than flexbox and that may concern with browser support, what is your opinion on that?

    Here to simplify measuring the font size, margin and other similar properties gave body element font-size: 10px; as base size (so for 35px h1 element simply 3.5rem instead of 2.1875rem if the base is 16px) and used rem unit for font-size and em unit for properties like margin and padding for all elements, what is your opinion on that?