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  • @A-shir1


    \Added a button because I could not figure out how to make changes when values are entered. I know it is most probably a small fix but I have not able to implement it without about a thousand errors being thrown on me.

    How do you people approach making a webpage responsive? Do you do mobile first? Any tips on how to make a webpage responsive?



    Hi Mohammad,

    I just completed this challenge a couple days ago. I believe it is best to usually start with the mobile layout, and then use a media query for larger screens. Typically, you can make the necessary changes without writing too much css. For my try at it, I mostly just had to change the flex-direction inside of the card to row so the input and output boxes were side by side, and change my grid layout for the tip buttons from 2 columns to 3.

    Marked as helpful

  • @spencerrunde


    Hello Ryan,

    Good job on the challenge! The most likely reason for the comparison looking slightly off is just minor differences in margin and padding styles, along with anything else relating to size. Don't worry about making it look completely identical, unless you're going for a pixel-perfect recreation. The only big difference I notice is that your "Learn More" buttons have a bigger margin-top than in the design. Nothing wrong with putting your own spin on it though, and I do like how the buttons look at the bottom of the cards instead of directly below the text.

    Marked as helpful

  • @spencerrunde


    Hello Willy,

    To center the container class vertically, you can remove the top and bottom padding from the body class. Then, add justify-content: center; to the main class. Looks great!

    Marked as helpful

  • claydson 20



    i'm new to this so be patient xD.

    i did my best but i need to improve more so if you have any tips to help me it'll be welcome



    Hey Claydson!

    To stop the background image from repeating, add background-repeat: no-repeat; to your stylesheet, in your body tag. There are other properties you could try out too, such as background-size.

    Marked as helpful
