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  • Submitted

    Jumped into this project with the intention of getting familiar with React again after some intensive use of Ruby and RoR.

    Any feedback and/or comments would be greatly appreciated, particularly constructive criticism which can help me improve as a developer (best practices etc...)

  • Submitted

    A small project going back a little in difficulty to make use of vanilla JS and try to implement better CSS and JS. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance !

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    This was a really fun challenge which really pushed me to try and find creative solutions to some seemingly complex problems. My code evolved a lot throughout the development stage, even completely rewriting large parts of it at times, but I feel that I have come to a solution I am happy with. The project was completed in about a week/ 10 days, but due to being abroad I was not able to publish it (plus I encountered some really frustrating issues when attempting to publish to gh-pages where some css stylesheets were not being imported).

    I would love some feedback, particularly if there are some pieces of code which would be improved (more efficient/elegant).

    Many Thanks to all for taking the time to take a look.

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    I had a really great time with this project. My intention was to use/learn React and have a fully functioning page which uses 'states' to dynamically update the page whenever a customer makes a contribution. This was pretty challenging and certainly had its frustrations, but I have learnt SO much about react and javascript in the process. There are a couple of minor visual things which do not entirely adhere to the design, but those will be fixed in time. I would be so grateful for any feedback

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    This was a really fun challenge. I could have saved myself a few headaches if I have really sat down and thought out the process before typing out the HTML, but the javascript turned out to be a lot more simple than I anticipated. Lots of CSS for such a small component, if anyone can suggest betters ways of doing it I'd love to hear about it.

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    Any feedback would be extremely valuable and appreciated. I recognise this is probably not the cleanest solution, and I spent far too long trying to figure out how to mask some elements and not others (to make the orange box appear on top in Desktop mode, but mask the other images). This may have taken me way longer than I had hoped, but the problems have offered me plenty to learn from.

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    I would be very happy to receive any feedback. Accessibility was not a focus, but I think it is something that would be good to pick up good habits early on, so I am willing to hear about that too. Thaaanks