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    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    Intro Component

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned how to create a React app, use props to pass information from one component to another and how to deploy it on GitHub-Pages.

    My questions to the community:

    Is my approach correct?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned how to create a React app, use props to pass information from one component to another and how to deploy it on GitHub-Pages.

    My questions to the community:

    Is my approach correct? There are 2 branches in my repo: main and gh-pages. Should/do I merge the branches? Is that even possible in this case?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    My first React app. I learned how to create a React app and how to deploy it on GitHub-Pages.

    My questions to the community:

    Is my approach correct? There are 2 branches in my repo: main and gh-pages. Should/do I merge the branches? Is that even possible in this case?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned how to create a speech bubble with CSS.

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned how to position multiple images with position relative and absolute. I also learned to set specific classes in CSS, which I set to specific DOM elements using the classList() method in JS to achieve the desired effect on the screen.

    My questions to the community:

    The most difficult thing for me was to position the images correctly. Is there a better approach?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I've learned how to add a focus state to various buttons so that the current state is removed when we click another button with JavaScript.

    I have also learned how to get the value of a DOM element and have it appear as text in an other DOM element.

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    My questions to the community:

    I have had problems with the positioning of the background images in the body. How could I have done it better?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I have created the entire colored button container with all its elements using JavaScript and retrieved the data from the JSON file using the Fetch API with asynchronous code. For the styling of the elements I used CSS.

    I've learned how to create elements and set classes with JavaScript. Also I've learned how to fetch data from JSON and how to implement this data in newly created elements.

    My questions to the community:

    My JavaSript solution for creating the colored button container with its elements and fetching the data from the JSON file is quite long.

    What do you think about it? Is my solution ok? Do you have suggestions for improving the code? Is there a better or simpler approach?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned how to position background images and add an overlay to that image.

    My questions to the community:

    Is there a better approach to add the overlay to that image than the one I choose?

    Is the semantic HTML I have used correct?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I‘ve learned how to handle sizing background images.

    My questions to the community:

    Is there a better approach to size the background image than the one I choose?

    Is the semantic HTML I have used correct?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    What I have learned:

    I learned Resolution Switching: A given Image in a mobile First Approach switches to another source on another resolution.

    My questions to the community:

    Is the semantic HTML I have used correct?

    There is still a DIV in my Code. What can I use instead of this DIV in the context of semantic HTML?

    I have used only Flexbox. Is Grid a better approach? And how should I have used it?

    I am very happy about any advice!

    Best regards Thomas

  • Submitted

    The designs should have been built with the following widths: mobile: 375px and desktop: 1440px. As of I don't think this makes sense since I centered the design and it is centered in both widths. I am wrong with that?

    For me it was hard to center the container. My solution was to set the height to 100vh. Is this ok or is there a better solution?

    I thank you for any further advice.