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    I can't figure out how to do the drag and drop functionality. My current solution includes inserting the item you're dragging after the one you're hovering over, which works just fine, unless you want to move it to the top of the list which doesn't work (of course). But I don't understand how to do both.

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    1. Is there any easier way to implement the theme functionality? It's what I struggled with the most.

    2. Whenever using the dev tools to test my website's functionality on mobile devices, everything looks and works great, but when I open it on my actual mobile device, the buttons are larger than they're meant to be and are skewed outside of the keypad (container). Is there anyway to fix this?

    3. Also on mobile, typing the same button twice (for instance, typing 77), it zooms in. Is there anyway to fix this as well?

    Thank you for your help!

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    Hi, thanks for any and all feedback you have.

    This one was a bit of a struggle after taking a break from my first one - I tried using ems, though unsure how I feel about my own implementation of them and whether they were useful or not. I used the native mac Preview app to get all of the sizes right but found it a little finicky and inexact.

    I only used Flexbox for the annual plan section, though I'm wondering if there might be an easier way to lay out elements in a row with custom positioning. Actually, now that I say positioning, I'm wondering if I should've used it rather than padding to push elements away from each other. Hm!

    All in all, a fun exercise and I'm trying out new things and trying to find the perfect workflow for me.

    Please let me know what you'd streamline/do differently or more efficiently and what aspects you think I should work on.

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    Hi, everyone. I'm pretty new to HTML and CSS and this is the first thing I've ever coded after watching a short, basic HTML and CSS guide, so go a bit easy on me.


    Is there anything I could've done more efficiently/succinct?

    I found myself confused on when to use padding and when to use margin when there isn't a border to create a difference in appearance. What's standard?

    I didn't know what media query min/max-width to use for when to switch between mobile and desktop and instead chose the px for when the image started to be cut off. Do you have any reccomendations?