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  • @GalinaM-G


    Hi! I would really appreciate if someone could help me with:

    1. I still find hard to understand a design file. Where is the correct position for the background decoration bg-pattern-1? Do I add it to body or .container?
    2. Is there an easy way to convert px to em or rem? I've just started using them.
    3. How to set an image correctly, so it would be perfectly responsive))?
    4. I applyed :hover on icons. How do I make the transition between colors smoother?
    5. What is the best way to make a responsive website? I've got an idea what to do, but when I need to match a website to a designer view of a responsive layout, I really struggle;)

    Thank you a lot in advance!

    Equalizer landing page





    Hi Galina, nicely done👏... regarding your 4th question, you can add an ease-in-out, ease-in or ease-out to your transition as per your preference.

    5th question: it depends on you really, most times you find yourself using flexbox or grid depending on if the layout is 1D or 2D, other times you might end up using frameworks like bootstrap and not to leave out your media queries. It's more like using what feels right at the moment?

    Marked as helpful

  • TJohnsey 70



    Two big issues I know I have are centering the grid on the full page and moving the quotations behind the text. I also noticed in mobile view the grid is way below the top of the screen I have not figured out how to fix that.



    Nicely done. To get it centred on the full page, you can set a grid to the overall container - i.e the container holding all the content (boxes), that should be your .container, give it a height of 100vh, then add the property( place-content: center;)

    Marked as helpful

  • @vermilion4


    This is honestly pretty nice but at medium screen mode, under the download extension part...the positioning and spacing looks off since the opera is below and the other two are not lined; visually anyways. Other than that, it is beautifully done.
