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  • Alexei• 831



    Hi all finally I done it and I have two questions.

    1. at section << Get early access today>> is there some way to put red warning string above form "enter a valid email" not using JS ?

    2. The work take me more then 20 hours to finish (made some mistakes at code and then fix it and search for solutions...) and it's not perfectly done, but is it ok that it took so many time ?


    will• 115



    I didn't look too deep into it but according to this article ( it's possible to add form validation without using JS. She uses a bunch of regex though, so in my opinion, doing it in JS is much easier. Either way, for things like this I almost always use a package like validate.js ( or similar. It's a good thing to go through to learn JS better but if you just want a finished product, it's better to let someone else handle it. Implementing it with regex in HTML like she did is something you'll never really need down the line, so I suggest avoiding it.

    As for the time it took you, nope! That's normal. You can never judge your ability to code by how long it took you. Just that you got it done in the first place.

  • will• 115



    If you want the component to be centered, just wrap the whole thing in a div that is 100vw x 100vh and set that background color to the light blue color. You could then use flexbox or grid to center it (I prefer grid with display: grid; place-items: center). The circle for the share icon could be smaller as well, good job otherwise!
