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A lot of CSS Grids: SCSS and JS

Nic• 595


Desktop design screenshot for the Manage landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I haven't really used a lot of CSS Grids, so I learnt a lot using them in this one. I also learnt Gulp, which took forever to learn how to use, but was really useful once I got it working.

I'm not sure I'm using SCSS to its full potential - it's pretty much just CSS with some variables. What can I do to make better use of it?

Community feedback

Adarsh Pratap• 5,515



Hey! @nicm42, your solution looks fine. You can change a few things like

  • font-weight for and size for the navbar links.

Few things to improve responsiveness

  • At breakpoint 870px around you can make changes to the navbar links.

  • Increase the font size just a bit.

  • Solve the Accessibility and HTML issues.

  • I haven't learned the SCSS yet, so can't tell you much about it, but you can use mixins and there's a lot to make you code reusable and shorter :)

Great work!

Nic• 595



Thank you.

Annoyingly, I have fixed the HTML and Accessibility issues, but when I tell FrontEnd Mentor to check again, it's still checking the old html file, even though I can definitely see the new one in GitHub.


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