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Advice generator app solution

Joanna• 370


Desktop design screenshot for the Advice generator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi Everyone!

It would be nice to get any feedback. I found some difficulties with keeping the design layout of project with the longest advices which runned into a pattern-divice. The problem which I didn't resolve - I see that with the longest adivce the small part of vertical lines disappear and I don't know what cover it. If someone is able to suggest me anything or explain what cause the problem it would be great.

Community feedback

Luis Castillo• 380



Hi, your solution looks great, and very clean.

I tried to find long quotes but didn't get to one that showed the overlapping issue you mentioned. However, I did notice a lot of fixed heights in your CSS.

I'll leave a video that might help you solve your issue, it has a segment on fixed heights (in fact, the whole channel has great CSS stuff)

As a side note, the code link from your solution is linked to another repository ;)


Marked as helpful


Joanna• 370



@lipe11 Thank you for your feedback and linked film that was very helpful for me. In a meantime I corrected a little bit my layout with flex and the problem with the pattern-divice seems to be resolved, that's why you didn't found it.

Anyway with your video I learnt about min-height and max-width and clamp() what would help me to avoid such problems in the future and make my projects more responsive. I'm going to improve my code with those rules.

You're right I attached the wrong repository, thank you I change it immediately.

Cheers, Joanna


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