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API address tracker

Marta 630


Desktop design screenshot for the IP Address Tracker coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffe 30,545



Hi, Marta! 👋

Of course, nice to see you complete yet another challenge! 😀 Good work on this one! 🙌

Like ChamuMutezva mentioned, overall, the site looks great and responds well, but the search function doesn't seem to be working. Looking into that would be a good idea, I think! 😉

Also, making the map interactive by allowing users to move around the map by clicking and dragging with their cursor, for example, would be nice.

As usual, keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁

Chamu 12,970



Hi, well done on this project. Very responsive and displaying well on most screens. However i noted that the search is not giving me the intended results - it is only pointing to my present location and cannot perform a search. Happy coding




Beautiful looking site Marta. Works great loading my initial IP and coordinates, but as is already being noted by others can't search. Your code was nicely organized and easy to follow.

I was driving myself crazy trying to use the ipify API ( and it kept giving me a CORS error.

Referencing your code made me realize I needed to use the ipify GEO API, once I did that worked like a charm no error.

Feel like a dum dum for not realizing that earlier haha, but thank you, your code was a very helpful reference that got me out of that.

Great work, looking forward to the search being functional.




Oh just a heads up that your API key is publicly visible in your repo. I suppose not the biggest deal with this API but just wanted to let you know.

Marta 630



@posivibez Thank you, I have already made some adjustments about map interactivity but still I am working on improving the search function. Regarding the API key visibility, I know it is not perfect solution but without any backend it is the best I can do.


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