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Base Apparel by Jennifer

Jennifer 30


Desktop design screenshot for the Base Apparel coming soon page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Community feedback



Quick update. That 'id' 'label' fix worked for me.

Another tip, if you get a HTML error related to Google fonts, which just happened to me, replace the pipe | in the code with %7C. I think it happens if you have more than one font family.




May be able to help with your first question. I uploaded a solution and have two accessibility issues which are worded very similar. For me they concern a hidden checkbox. I believe I need to add an 'id' to the checkbox, then use the 'id' as a label for a screen reader.

This is the example they give for my issue. <input type="checkbox" id="tequila"> <label for="tequila">Chamukos tequila</label>

This page may help you to:

I image you also need to given an 'id' and 'label' or something very similar.

I haven't started to learn JS yet so can't help you there. Refactoring wise, I wouldn't get too hung up early on. I spent quite a bit of time looking at how I could minimise the code, often for tiny gains and it wasn't worth it, as you learn better ways of implementing things. I find that I pick something up each time and adjust how I layout the CSS and comment it. I think readability is the most important thing-=knowing you could go back to it in 6/12 months and know what is what straight away. I really liked this layout when I came across it: it's also a great example of CSS grid. This is the video that goes with it, if you haven't already seen it:


Jennifer 30



Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it!

The context for that error message is this code:

<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required="required" placeholder="Email Address">

I have name and id, so I'm a bit confused with understanding what you mean. (Sorry, I'm a newbie! :) )





I had to add a label for the id underneath. Looking at your example I'd take a guess at: <label for="email">Enter email address</label>

Change "enter email address" to whatever you want the screen reader to read.




@rosajen27 Forgot to add. The label will become visible so make sure you die it with

'your label' { visibility: hidden; }

Hope this helps :)


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