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clipboard landing page (HTML CSS/SASS

Benjo Quilario• 1,810


Desktop design screenshot for the Clipboard landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This challenge is really fun, It's really help me realize the importance knowing the grid layout, because of this challenge I will now studying the grid layout.

Feel free to drop your suggestions about this solution of mine.

Community feedback

tediko• 6,560



Hello, Benjo! 👋

Congrats on finishing another challenge! 🎉 Your solution looks very good and also responds well. Here's my few tips:

  • Change the alt attributes for the .logo, .desktop__computer--img, .mobile__image, .features__img images, as they don't add any extra context for screen reader users. Since your images are decorative your alt text should be provided empty (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies.
  • Add :focus pseudo class to interactive elements like anchors, buttons etc. Use outline property to make your website more accessible to keyboard users. Focusable elements like anchor, buttons or inputs they have applied default :focus pseudo class with outline property. These default styles are subtle and hardly visible tho. Furthermore every browser has a slightly different default style for the outline, so you probably want to change the default style. Read more about why we should change focus styles.
  • Instead of using <div> elements to wrapping your .sponsors__item you should use anchor element <a> because this element is going to transfer user somwhere.

Good luck with that, have fun coding! 💪

Marked as helpful


Benjo Quilario• 1,810



@tediko sorry for the late reply, thank you for tips, I will change It now :D

Benjo Quilario• 1,810



@tediko thank you for the tips if you have a extra time, check it again.

  1. I change the alt attributes.
  2. I already add the outline with none.
  3. I already change the <div> with <a>

thanks for the tips I learned a lot especially the 1 and 3 tips you mentioned.

Patrick• 14,325



Looks really good all I see is you are missing your :hover state on your social icons

Marked as helpful


Benjo Quilario• 1,810



@palgramming can you tell what I need to do on that area, I really can't hover it I'd tried to hover the anchor tag and image but still not hovering it.

Patrick• 14,325



@benjoquilario This article might help you can use the CSS filter property to adjust the colors in many ways

Benjo Quilario• 1,810



@palgramming thank you


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