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Clipboard Landing Page with Vanilla CSS

Fluffy Kas 7,735


Desktop design screenshot for the Clipboard landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This is my first Junior challenge completed! ^^ I'm more or less satisfied with the final result but I had a hard time coming up with a nice-looking layout for medium screen sizes and I feel like I had to use one or two small "hacks" to make things look like how I wanted. I sometimes felt a bit frustrated and confused about the length of this design, as so far I only did smaller components, but I'm sure this is something I'll get used to ^^

Pretty please give me your honest feedbacks about it, I'm sure there's plenty to improve on my html, how I organised my code and on these small "hacks". One of these hacks was how I aligned the feature divs in the workflow section. The images are not the same width and height, which made the text look all over the place. The only solution I could came up with is to set a fixed height for the image holder divs, but I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this (probably it's just my lack of knowledge of flexbox).

I'd appreciate it if you take time to look at my work. Have a lovely day everyone! :)

edit: After looking at the report, I'd like to ask, do I need to provide an alt for all images even if I set aria-hidden for them?

Community feedback

Chamu 13,110



aria-hidden can be applied to any other elements while the alt is intended for images

Hafizan Adli 1,190



What a nice solution, it survive at all screen size.

You just forgot to add alt attribute in img tag.

Great job!


Fluffy Kas 7,735



@hafizanadli Thank you! ^^

I didn't forget, that's what my question was actually about, if they need to be added if there's an aria-hidden on them.

Hafizan Adli 1,190



@FluffyKas oops my bad. And now I just curious with that question too

Fluffy Kas 7,735



@hafizanadli From what I could find, aria-hidden is not supported by all assistive technologies. Leaving an empty alt seems to be the correct way (or perhaps both??), as it is skipped by the screen reader. But then I'm not sure why aria-hidden even exists. :D Would be nice to hear someone who knows more.

Azka 480



it looks pretty nice , good job 🥳


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