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Equalizer Landing Page (Vanilla CSS and Custom Hover States)

Lucas 👾 104,580


Desktop design screenshot for the Equalizer landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor coding community. This is my solution for the Equalizer Landing Page.

I added some features:

  • 👻 h1 span: spinning color animation;
  • 👾 Phone image on hover;
  • 🥰 2 more breaking points;

Feel free to leave any feedback about my design chances and help me improve my solution or make the code clean!

Community feedback

Adriano 33,950



Falaa lucas! tudo bem?

Cara ficou tudo ótimo!

Estava olhando o seu css e está tudo muito bom, gostei bastante dos comentários ajuda bastante na hora de interpretar o código, esse efeito de hover no celular eu não faço ideia de como você fez auahhauh

A única coisa que faltou foi usar aquele min.css bolado, pro código ficar pequeninin ahuahuha

Mas o resto está insano, inclusive me deu algumas ideias para usar no meu próximo projeto!

Tamo junto man! 👍

Marked as helpful




Congrats on another tweaked solution Lucas 🎊

Couple of little things, I'd suggest breaking at 1280px for Desktop so the "sic" of music doesn't overlap the top right image. Particularly because the cycling colour matches that image.

The <br> should be after "All rights reserved © Equalizer 2021"

Mixed feelings about the changing the colours on the phone image. Nice touch but I find it distracting. It becomes a "wait what did I miss", and the pink looks between cyan and orange looks odd. Similar with the equalizer logo at the page top.

The product box does some odd shifts between about 730px & 450px. It compresses and expands, compresses and expands. It gets really thin about 490px. Honesly having so many media queries makes is working against you and gives you more to check/test. (Not that I can comment, I did my middle section incorrectly, so my responsiveness between tablet and desktop sizes is awful. Its always easier to critique others 🤪 )

Would the aria label aria-label="equalizer app pricing" not be before on the div just before the $4?Particularly given the h & p before the price are to do with pricing.

For the social links / images. Should the links not have an aria label on them describing what they are? And the icons not have aria-hidden=true?

This was interesting, not come across text-decoration-skip-ink before.

/* A elements that don't have a class get default styles */
a:not([class]) {
  text-decoration-skip-ink: auto;

Given you are using transitions, you should provide a version for those that have prefers-reduced-motion set.

Wishing you all the best 👨‍💻💜

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@tarasis thank you for the time spent writing this comment, I appreciate that. Soo I'll refactor the code for this challenge and fix these issues. Thank you Robert.




Hi @correlucas.

You will always inspire me to be a better developer. I love the website that you built here. I see on a footer, on an email ([email protected]), you missed an anchor element to make it clickable using a deadlink or you just left it like that?

Thanks, Pretty

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@nonoza This is true Pretty! I'll change it ASAP! Thank you =)




@correlucas It a pleasure

aDev 280



Hey Lucas, I love you solution and I can see that you have put a lot of effort into the solution. I love how you tried making it the same as the design, which is would say you have.

I have a few pieces of advice: 1). try adding the same font to the description, because it seems like you haven't changed it there 2). if you add more of a transition to the elements that can be hovered on like the icon links, them we can see how it changes from pink to orange.

Amazing solution as always, aDev👌

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@Senkuu-Midoriya Thank you for the time spent checking my solution! I'll change that fore sure. Thanks bro.

aDev 280



@correlucas, no problem man, thank you for begin open to new advice, that is a sign of a great web dev. 👍

Travolgi 🍕 31,500



Hi Lucas, congratulations on completing the challenge, great job 😁

Always add a touch of originality to the challenges and you are a great inspiration!

Some little tips for optimizing your code:

  • use main tag to wrap only the main content of the page and to improve the Accessibility... header and footer go from it. For the container you can use a div inside all tags
  • instead of using px use relative units of measurement like rem also for the image size and fonts

Hope this help! Happy coding 😉


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