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First time EVER using javascript did alot of youtubing

Mauger• 210


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

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  • JS
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So this is literally the first time I have ever used javascript, I managed to get a few things working but the issue I am having is when I click on one of the ratings its always the number 1 that turns orange, I also have no idea how to get the message to tell you how many stars you have selected, if anybody can help me I would be extremely greatful I have been watching youtube videos for hours, tried debugging with the devtools and read loads of articles online and I cant find the answer.


I have now tried giving each number a unique id but it still does not work and making sure the variable names are not the same as the ids just incase this is confusing but now when I click on any number the 5 is orange instead of the one. also when the pop up comes on it is not in the same place as the card was, someone please help

Update The click function is working now thanks to making all the functions seperate names, the pop up still comes up in a different place to the card depending on the screen size tho and I still cant get the message to tell you how many stars you gave

Community feedback

y4rb0w• 260




The issue here is that you're declaring the same function five times. So it's the last function that remain that id used. Either use one function to handle the click or change the name of your functions.

I would go with the first way :

something like that:

div class="numbers">
      <div id="click1" class="one stars" onclick="changeColor(event)">1</div>
      <div id="click2" class="two stars" onclick="changeColor(event)">2</div>
      <div id="click3" class="three stars" onclick="changeColor(event)">3</div>
      <div id="click4" class="four stars" onclick="changeColor(event)">4</div>
      <div id="click5" class="five stars" onclick="changeColor(event)">5</div>
let currentNumber = undefined;

function changeColor(event) {
         if(currentNumbers) {
         currentNumber =;

so here you add the clicked class to the element that triggerd the click ( then you stop the propagation of the event (no other element will catch the click ) and finally you keep a soft copy of the element that is currently clicked to reset it later;

hopefully it helps

Marked as helpful

Mike Hayden• 1,005



Hey Mauger,

This looks great! I think @Yavanha has left some great feedback above, but just to reiterate the most salient point: when you name a function you will overwrite an existing function of the same name:

function hello() {

function hello() {

hello(); // this will log "goodbye" because the second function has overwritten the first

There's loads of different approaches to this challenge but I think the way I would do it is to assign the textContent property of the button (ie the actual text inside the button), to a variable on click. Then you can display that in the popup.

If you think about each HTML element as an object that you can interrogate (or get properties from), then you can write a function that asks the button that was clicked what its text content is and then append that to the popup. Something like this:

<div class="numbers">
<section class="popup">
  <div class="result">You selected ? out of 5</div>
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button'); // get ALL the buttons in one go
const popup = document.querySelector('.popup');
const result = document.querySelector('.result');

function handleClick() {
  const selected = this.textContent // get the text content of the button that was clicked
  this.classList.add('clicked'); // `this` refers to the button that was clicked
  result.textContent = `You selected ${selected} out of 5` // update the text of the popup with the selected amount

buttons.forEach(function(button) {
  button.addEventListener('click', handleClick); // assign the click handler to each button

I think this approach also means you can simplify your css a little. Here's a little more info on this in JavaScript. It's kinda nuanced and weird but very powerful! Don't expect to get it straight away, but simply put it refers to the thing that called the function. So for click events the button that was clicked, for scroll events the window that was scrolled, for keyup events, the key that was depressed...

Oh, also you should use button and not div for the buttons. Firstly for semantic reasons but also for accessibility.

Hopefully that helps. Let me know if you have any questions :)


y4rb0w• 260



@mickyginger Well explained and thank you for the references :)

y4rb0w• 260



For the second part with the the Thank you card, you need to inject it dynamically through javascript when tu the "form" is submitted.

I invite you you check out my solution :y4rb0w solution

It's not the best one, but still I think you can find some answers :)

If you need more in depth understading, feel free to reply :)

Mauger• 210



thankyou I have now fixed my problem, I still cannot get the message on the pop up to tell you how many stars you have selected though and the pop up is still coming up in a different place to where the card was depending on the screen size


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