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Four Card Feature Section using HTML CSS with flex-box/media-query

Monica 100


Desktop design screenshot for the Four card feature section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Trying to get more comfortable with flex-box and media queries. As always, all feedback welcome!

Community feedback

isimeri 250



Hello! You did a pretty good job on this project. I'd still change a few things, though:

  • Remove all the margin-bottom that you set up for your cards. As the point of this project is to get you to know Flexbox better, rather set a height or min-height for your .card-section and just let the align-items and justify-content properties do their job, instead of using the cards' margins to increase the .card-section's height by force. I'd suggest using display:flex with a flex-direction: column for .middle-cards as well, so you don't have to guess margins to position the cards.
  • Make the <body> take up the full screen height. I'd actually use some div.container for all the content, so i won't have any regrets if i decide to add some feature to the page some day(but it's no big deal for this specific project).
  • Remove the max-width: 1440px media query. The .card-section looks very much wrong for screens wider than that. I know there was some mention in the project's instructions file, about the design being supposed to work for that width, but that shouldn't limit you from making it work for screens wider than 1440px.
  • The <footer> is directly below the cards, but that is due to the <body> not taking the entire height of the screen. It really comes down to personal preference in this specific case, but i think it would look better if the <footer> was at the bottom of the screen.

Other than that, you did a great job. Keep it up!


Monica 100



@isimeri Thank you very much for your detailed reply, will look into removing the heights and see if I can understand flex box a bit more that way. And I do understand about the footer, and will look into a way to anchor that to the bottom if my content takes up more than the height of the screen. Always learning, thanks again!

ApplePieGiraffe 30,565



Hey, there, Monica! 👋

Nice to see you complete another challenge, again! 😀 Good work on this one! 👍

I suggest,

  • Using a single heading tag for the heading of the page (which could be a <h1>, since it is the most important title on the page), because it is really a single heading, not two separate headings. You can easily use a span tag to style the two parts of the heading differently.
  • Decreasing the intensity of the box-shadow around the feature cards.
  • Your design seems to break over 1440px (perhaps because of the way your media queries are set up). That'll be something worth looking into!

Keep learning and coding (and happy learning and coding, too)! 😁


Monica 100



@ApplePieGiraffe Thank you for your comment! Always learning! The box-shadow has been a little tricky, and yes I set a max-width to 1440, but will take that off. Thank again!

Abbas Saad 260



Hi Monica!! I've studied your work. You have done well in this challenge! Your solution looks good and it is responsive!! I've got a few things to suggest. For the header, I suggest using one h1 tag instead of using 2 h3 tags. Since it's only one header. You can use the span tag to style them differently :D There's quite a bit of space between the three columns of the card. Reduce that a bit :D Also, it breaks into the mobile layout too early. I think using CSS grid would be better for this solution (and also a lot easier!!) Here's my solution. Hope it helps!! :D Happy coding!! :D


Abbas Saad 260



BTW I also suggest changing the background color to match the design. For the card's shadow, increase the blurriness and give it a blue-ish color like the design to match the design perfectly :D

Monica 100



@AbbasSaad27 Thank you so much for the feedback. I will look through your code to learn and I haven't learned CSS Grid yet so will look into that too! Thanks again1


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