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html, css, flexbox solution

ellienndea 130


Desktop design screenshot for the Profile card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey mentors, I got so much helpful feedback for my first attempt with this challenge, I adopted it all and learned so much! Thank you all so much for this, especially @AgataLiberska and @grace-snow! 🥰 I took notes and will use them in following projects! I'm really happy about the improved responsivness! Here is my updated solution. It is still the same link, so the old version might be still stored in your browser, reloading is not enough to solve that. I opened it in another browser. 🤷‍♀️ One thing bugs me: There is a thin line inside the border of the image where the background shows. Has anybody an idea for that? Happy coding, Linda 😊

Community feedback

Grace 27,810



This is great for 1 week in, well done! Here are my tips to improve:

  • Instead of a large margin-top on your card, just have a little padding on the outer wrapper (in this case the body element) so content can't hit the sides. Give that body a min-height of 100vh and the card will be centered on the scene
  • Don't forget details like box shadow on the card. There are some good box shadow generators out there that can help you get it looking right
  • On card background, you don't need width. It's a block element already. Instead of height in percent, try a min-height in rem
  • Similar for the card. You don't need to give it width or height. It will be more easily responsive if you give it width 100%, and a max-width of whatever in px/rem. That will let it shrink down for small phones. Height is not needed.
  • Alt text is a good effort on Victor's image, but waaaay too long. Just Victor Crest is fine. It's an image of him, that's all the info we need to know.
  • If you want to horizontally center with margin, you can do that with margin left and right set to auto rather than a pixel value
  • You're relying on default margins on elements for vertical spacing at the moment. That means your solution will look different in different browsers. Consider adding a modern css reset to remove all those defaults, then add vertical margins to elements as needed (top tip - it's often more manageable if you add margins in one direction mainly, like margin top on each paragraph, heading etc, rather than setting both directions)
  • The stats section needs semantic HTML adding. You never want to have text in spans/divs alone. Try swapping container-rates for a ul, then each child within it can be an li.
  • I think you've set align items and justify content the wrong way around on that container-rates element too - maybe check that.
  • remove the brs. Use CSS to set elements to display block instead
  • Add text align center to the stats. I'd also remove margin from them or at the very least use the same class on all three of them.

Keep on going - that's loads of suggestions for you to be looking up 😂. Just take your time and learn step by step. Good luck 👍

Marked as helpful


ellienndea 130



@grace-snow Hi Grace, thank you so much for all your tips! 🥰 I really appreciate this and am looking forward to improve my code! One question on the alt-attribute: I thought that maybe visually impaired people would appreciate a little more info than that what is already implied by the elements. On the other hand I can also imagine screen reader users being annoyed by too long alt texts. Is there a rule of thumb how long alt text should be? Thank you again! 🤗 Happy coding, Linda

Grace 27,810



@ellienndea it depends on the type of content the image is conveying. Like if this was a photo of Victor on holiday or something, or modelling, or anything where the image is a core part of the content that needs to convey richer meaning - then give it a long description. But this is just a profile avatar. All we need to know is its his photo ☺

ellienndea 130



@grace-snow Sounds reasonable/sensible. Well meant is not always good. 😅 Thank you so much again! 😊


Account Deleted

Hello , ellienndea

Congratulations on completing your first challenge. Your solution looks good 👏

Have fun coding.


ellienndea 130



@Nik-web12 Thank you! 🥰

Patrick 14,325



Good Job so far but I would try to work on your styling for your horizontal line. Otherwise good start to this challenge




I want to add to what @palgramming said - the issue with the horizontal rule is that the color you tried to apply is not computed - what we actually see are the default border styles (you can see them in devtools in your browser). Also, the total height is 3 px - 1px height you set, 1px default border top, 1px default border bottom.

If you look up how to style horizontal rule, there are two main approaches - reset borders to 0 and style the background, or style border top/bottom (then reset the rest). Here are some nice examples

On top of that - on my desktop, the circles are not positioned right - the bottom one is not in the corner, but closer to the middle of the screen. Maybe try using vh and vh as units to position them :)

Hope this helps, if something doesn't make sense, feel free to send me a DM on twitter! :)

ellienndea 130



@AgataLiberska Thank you so much for your elaborate feedback. This is really helpful! :D

ellienndea 130



@palgramming Thank you :)


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