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Huddle Landing Page

Samuel Palaciosβ€’ 615


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey✨ hope everyone is okay. Just finished this using Flexbox and Grid , any feedback will be appreciated.

Community feedback

Steven Tobenβ€’ 750



I think it looks pretty good, but I think you used way to much grid and flexbox, It seems pretty unnecessary in a lot of places, especially with a pretty basic layout like this. Also I'm not sure what's going on with your font sizes. You shouldn't set the base font to 62.5%, and your font-sizes for the same exact elements are different throughout. Some buttons have larger font-sizes than others, there doesn't seem to be any form of a consistent typography scale being applied throughout


Samuel Palaciosβ€’ 615



@steventoben Hey steve, thank you for letting me know your point of view. What do you suggest using the default base font size? I use the percent because as far as I know it helps on responsiveness. Also I used different font-sizes in the buttons, I know and I notice that and forget to change them.

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,545



Hello there, Samuel Palacios! πŸ‘‹

Good work on this challenge! πŸ‘ Your solution looks great and scales up/down very nicely! πŸ™Œ

I only suggest perhaps adding a hover state to the navigation links and the social media icons in the footer of the page. πŸ˜‰

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁


Samuel Palaciosβ€’ 615



@ApplePieGiraffe Hey bro, thank u for your kind words and your suggestion! πŸ’›


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