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Huddle landing page with mobile first approach

Vinayak• 30


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I am not able to position social icons to the right bottom side for desktop version. I will be really grateful if someone tells me what I am doing wrong plus any additional feedback will be really helpful for me

Community feedback

tomthestrom• 165



As @marik999 points out, you could position them horizontally along the main axis using justify content: flex-end; and using some margin or padding, right now you're positioning them to where they are using justify content: center;, that's why they are in the center.

By the way, speaking about the social media icons, it's cool you decided to put them into a <ul> element, that makes for some nice semantic HTML! But in my opinion it would be better to have each social media icon as a standalone list item (<li>) instead of having just one <li> with 3 child elements, that basically defeats the semantic approach introduced by using ul and li for these social media icons.

Take care, Tom


Vinayak• 30



I see. How can I make each list items position horizontally instead of default vertical position?

Adam• 430



For the social icons, I made the right side of the page its own div, set the height to 100vh, and made it flex container. Then I put a wrapper around everything except the social icons:

  .main {
    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

  .flex-wrapper {
    flex: 1;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;

As you can see, I set the flex to 1 for the wrapper. I wrapped my icons in their own div within .main, and because they're a flex child of the .main container, I set their flex property to 0 and used flex-end and margin to align them:

    &__icons {
      flex: 0;
      align-self: flex-end;
      margin-right: 5rem;

Setting their div to flex: 0 is the key to making this work: it causes the .flex-wrapper container to expand and pushes the icons down to the bottom of the page. You can take a look at my code if you want more clarification.

Also, for your body element on your desktop, add in background-size: cover. This will make your background image cover the entire page.


Vinayak• 30



That's an interesting approach. I too kinda wrapped everything except icons in a separate div, however I am not much familiar with flex:0/1 property as I am still beginner. I will surely look into that property and will also try to do it by using your approach. And yeah I forgot to put cover to background size. Thanks a lot. :-)

manik• 70



You can justify-content: flex-end in the links class and then give the required padding-right say 5vw. Then you can justify it center at your mobile break point and remove the padding.


Vinayak• 30



Thanks, it worked. Earlier I was trying to modify 'align-item' property, but now my confusion is cleared.


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