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Huddle Landing Page with Pure HTML and CSS


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello! 👋

This is my " Huddle Landing Page" challenge solution using pure HTML and CSS. I tried to follow semantic markup rules and make my code as clean and easy to read as possible. Do you know any good tips for creating social media buttons like those in this project? I spent too much time fighting with the alignment and size of this element and I am almost sure there is more elegant way to do it.

As always if you see any issues with this project - let me know. Any criticism/comments can certainly help me learn and grow as an aspiring front-end developer. Keep in mind that I always try to return the favor 😏

Community feedback

Fluffy Kas 7,735



Hey, well done, your solution looks really great and seems to work nicely on all screen sizes! Adding your own readme would be a nice touch (or at least not uploading the whole challenge folder as it is :D)! I see you put a lot of effort into your code, so a nice little readme would compliment it well :)

Marked as helpful




@FluffyKas Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot! Yeah, I am about to add the README to this and a few of my previous projects. I always forget about that part though I keep all my notes regarding the project in Notion so it's really just a matter of copy and pasting.

Fluffy Kas 7,735



@beslerpatryk Haha, that's awesome, I thought you may be the person who keeps notes! It's a really useful thing to do for sure!

Dušan Lukić 1,660



Hi Patryk, well done on completing this challenge. You don't even have accessibility or HTML issues and it is the best answer on your semantic HTML that you wrote. Very nice!

Otherwise, I have a few suggestion for you:

  • Make logo bigger and add some margin bottom on them
  • Add transition to your button
  • Social icons looks awesome. I would add some transition to them. Try it!

On mobile screen I would make bigger logo and that's it! Keep learning, enjoying and have fun! 😁

Marked as helpful




@dusanlukic404 Thanks a lot for your feedback Dusan. Adding transitions is a great idea! 😄 I will for sure try to tweak my project , especially after looking at the solutions of other people.


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