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Interactive rating component - Vanilla Javascript

myrdin 80


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Here is my solution for the challenge.

I wonder which html element is the best to use for the ratings. I choose button, it makes it keyboard accessible but not sure about the semantic. Feedback welcome and happy coding !

Community feedback




I think <button> elements are acceptable in this case, precisely because it makes it more keyboard accessible as you say. It's definitely better than using something that's not inherently keyboard-focusable like a <div>. However I believe the most semantic HTML element would be an <input type="radio"> since that's precisely what the rating system is. Then, you can allow even more keyboard controls (arrow keys, I believe) by grouping them using a <fieldset> element (which you can style like a <div>). See this link for more information. This is probably best since you want your elements to be semantically grouped as well, and I'm not sure whether a <div> accomplishes that. It's pretty tricky to style the radio inputs to look like the design, though--I myself haven't fully learned it--whereas with <button>'s it's a lot easier.

Also, if you use a <fieldset> you should add a <legend> heading as well. Then you'd need to remove the outline on the <fieldset> (you can see it in the examples in the above link) and make the <legend> hidden to be in-line with the given design. Read this for a useful way to make form labels visually hidden but still accessible via screen readers (the latter of which display: none; doesn't achieve).

Another example of this grouping would be with <ul> and <li> elements; when screen readers encounter a <ul> element, they'll even read of the number of list items in the list based on the number of <li>'s. This wouldn't happen by making a list of <p> elements wrapped by a <div>, for example.

Hope this helps, and good job!

Marked as helpful

Ivan 2,630



Hi there. You did a good job 😎

keep improving your programming skills🛠️

your solution looks great, however, if you want to improve it, you should fix these issues:

✅ empty alternative texts

✅ elements must have sufficient color contrast. Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds

<button class="submit">SUBMIT</button>

I hope my feedback will be helpful. You can mark it as useful if so 👍 it is not difficult for you, but I understand that my efforts have been appreciated

Good luck and fun coding 🤝⌨️

Marked as helpful


myrdin 80



@isprutfromua Thank you for your feedback, I kept the alternative text empty because I think it is decoratives images and should be ignored by screenreader. ( What do you think ?

And yep I should have check contrasts, I just used the design colors of the challenge.

Ivan 2,630



@myrdn yep, but you need to mark it as decorative. Use role=presentation, or aria-hidden=true


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