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Job Listing - Custom Search Modal - Sveltekit - SASS

Rafal 1,395


Desktop design screenshot for the Job listings with filtering coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective


(Feedback requests on the bottom)

Initially I wasn't sure what I could learn from this project as I have covered similar things in the past. Then it occured to me to build a custom search-modal and change the behaviour from the original design. I thought it'd be more interesting to build, sorry that it won't match the generated screenshot comparison 😁😅...

A few fun items to mention:

  • I have added keyboard shortcuts to make this feel more 'appy'.
  • If you open up the search modal and use arrow keys and hit enter once you've selected a filter, it will work.
  • If you are on Mac/Windows the shortcuts will change from Ctrl/Cmd + S. I thought it only right to add this.
  • Added a VERY BRIEF custom scroll bar because why not.
  • I have found a jewel of 'filtering' an array with an array. The jewel is using .every() along with .includes().

Super short example you can run in codepen:

const filters= [1, 2, 3]
const data= [1,3,4,5,6]
const data2 = [1,6,8,4,2,3,9]

const checkMatch = (filterArray, dataArray) => {
     return filterArray.every(filter => dataArray.includes(filter))

console.log(checkMatch(filters, data)) //returns false
console.log(checkMatch(filters, data2)) //returns true

I don't think that I spent a lot of time perfecting the design, I'll trust that it's close enough without too many errors.

If I need help with anything it'd be criticism of my HTML. Could I have added more semantic HTML? If so, where and why? If you're really hot and bothered feel free to rip my javascript apart but I know fully well how tiring that is when the project is not yours 😅.


Community feedback



Great job! I loved your solution, real cool!


P.S: I'm gonna use what u suggested for the filtering, I did it with a classical while loop I didn't remember about those two functions!


Rafal 1,395



@B1N4R1 Thank you, that's very kind 😄.

Glad some of my babbling was useful to someone! I was super happy when I learned about .every(). It simplified all the long code I otherwise had doing it manually 🤗


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