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theReal1Lukasā€¢ 90


Desktop design screenshot for the Article preview component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello. This time I did on bigger dimensions (1440x800) and tried to be as accurate as possible. One question, how to change button arrow color? Tried color , and background-color, and fill, still nothing. So I did second button instead. If you have any advices, please feel free to share!

Community feedback

Adarsh Pratapā€¢ 5,515



Hi @FitItGuy, you did good work on this solution. I think most of the things @SzymonRojek has already covered above so please go with the suggestion. Keep it up. Happy codingšŸ˜€

Szymon Rojekā€¢ 4,540




Well done! :D

I've just checked your HTML structure and preview site by the inspector. A few tips from me:

  • you can centre the card, give to the body overflow-hidden (it will stop the scroll);
  • RWD hasn't been done, did you learn flexbox + grid and BEM naming convention?
  • I'd recommend learning about semantic tags (why they matter). Divs are semantically inert elements ā€” elements that donā€™t really do or say anything. You can change a bit the HTML structure by using semantic tags;
  • please change h5 into h1 => The h1 tag is the most important heading because itā€™s the highest level tag that shows what your specific page is about;
  • why did you add two buttons?
  • target=ā€_blankā€ attribute specifies where the linked document will open when the link is clicked (add it to the links);
  • you can fix your accessibility and HTML issues report;

It is good to know semantics tags, additional attributes and their importance for accessibility. You will learn it step by step, day by day => for example, IMO you can add to the main button aria-controls, aria-label, aria-expanded and by JS you can toggle the text of the button aria label value, for example, "share" and "close share", toggle aria-expanded to true.

In the end, I can recommend this article from the CSS-tricks: A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons.

Ps. don't forget to upvote any comments on here that you find helpful.

Many greetings :D

Szymon Rojekā€¢ 4,540



@adarshcodes and @FitItGuy,

I have edited the post because of the type="button". I was sure that we do not have to type the button as a button, but now I think that depends on the situation, depends on the project. The default button type is actually submit (but we have got also type submit which is a bit confusing). This clarifies that there should be no post option, but just be a clickable object => we want to click and get the social media board, that's it. In this project, we can add type button - we are not submitting but simply switching between on and off (two states). For example, when we have got a button as a mode switcher - then we can add attribute type="button", and also the role="switch". Lots of things are going on here.

Check it out => MDN.

I am still not sure about the name="button". I think it is not necessary here.

Thank you @FitItGuy. I have learned something thanks to you.

Cheers :D


Adarsh Pratapā€¢ 5,515



@SzymonRojek Thanks for sharing the link. I also learned something new.

Szymon Rojekā€¢ 4,540




I am very glad. Ps. don't forget to upvote any comments on here that you find helpful.

Cheers :D


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