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mobile first (React + Emotion)

Alex 1,090


Desktop design screenshot for the REST Countries API with color theme switcher coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

During this challenge I was wondering how to actually style the options of the select dropdown... Is it even possible to style them without having to code an own dropdown component?

Community feedback

Matt Studdert 13,611



Hey Alex, awesome work on this project. I still haven't dived into TypeScript yet, so it's really nice to read through your code and gain a deeper insight.

With regards to custom select elements, any custom form control is a bit of a nightmare, especially when it comes to making sure it's accessible. A nice way of creating custom select elements in React projects is to use React Select. I've used it on multiple projects before and it's really well built. It might be worth a try!

Keep up the great work! 👍


Alex 1,090



@mattstuddert Coming from a coding background starting with C/C++ and Java, type safety is definiately a nice thing to have. The absence was bugging me a lot in my beginnings with JS and as soon as I found out about Typescript I immediately jumped into in and still use it for every project, no matter what size it is. 😃

There are a few things that are bugging me about my current implementation, so I just started refactoring some of my code. I'll definiately have a look at React Select as I'm refactoring. 😃




Hey, Alex, I've seen that you've done like every project here from newbie to advanced and wanted to ask what are your resources to learning web development. I hope you respond!


Alex 1,090



Hey @SebastianDarie,

I started programming in university like 10 years ago and that's where I got to know most of the fundamentals. Most of the programming fundamentals I learned there were applicable to JS. When I actually switched to web development I mostly used youtube to find tutorials or stackoverflow to find answers for my questions because I already had a basic understanding of the problems and just needed to see how it gets done in JS.

Another great source are the documentations of the libraries of course.

For react specifically I did the course "react for beginners" by Wes Bos to begin with. Everything else is self thaught.

To refresh my HTML/CSS skills I recently took the "responsive bootcamp" course by Kevin Powell on scrimba, which actually helped me a lot with in depth knowledge of Flexbox and Grid.

TL;DR Lots of time and dedication and the will to read. ;)

I hope that answers your question. 😃




@AlexBueckig Thanks that's a really great answer compared to other people that just tell me to learn without mentioning some resources, though it's hard to dedicate time because of school I try to push as much as I can. Thanks again for your answer.


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