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Mobile First using HTML, CSS & JS


Desktop design screenshot for the Pod request access landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This is my first Premium challenge on Frontend Mentor and it really challenged my critical thinking and CSS skills!

If you have any overall best practice suggestions, or methods in which I can improve my code in a particular way, please let me know! I'm always aspiring to improve, so I greatly appreciate any feedback you have.

Community feedback

Matt Studdert 13,611



Great work completing your first premium challenge, Christopher! You've done a brilliant job! It's nice to hear the challenge has changed your thinking as well. I'd love to hear more about what you learned!

Here are some thoughts after taking a look at your code:

  • The alt text in various images could be improved to help with accessibility. For example, the logo has the alt text of "pod-logo". First off, I'd recommend not adding hyphens unless that's how you would write the text normally. Also, for logos, it's best to simply put the company name. So, in this case, it would be "Pod". The same goes for the podcast platform logos lower down.
  • You don't need the additional label for the submit input. Another way of doing it would be to use a button element instead of input with type="submit".
  • As the dotted pattern is purely decorative, I'd add the image using a pseudo-element and background-image in your CSS. This means you're not adding unnecessary HTML code.
  • Avoid using IDs as CSS selectors. They have high specificity and can't be reused on the page, so they're not suitable for styling. Instead, I'd recommend sticking to class, attribute, pseudo, and type selectors. Using these will help keep your CSS more maintainable.

I hope these tips help. Keep up the great work! 👍




Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback, Matt!

These are helpful pieces of advice and they all make perfect sense for best practices. I will update the code as soon as I get a moment.

Again, I appreciate your feedback. Happy coding! :)


Matt Studdert 13,611



@ctnance you're welcome! 🙂


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