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Mobile-First Huddle Landing Page Built With CSS Flexbox.

Johnnyβ€’ 470


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

i feel I'm getting better at building things with CSS. this challenge did feel alot easier to do than most of earlier ones πŸ˜…. please let me know what you think of my solution and my code. incase there is something i did inappropriately. thanks guys

Community feedback

Account Deleted

Hi, Good job, the html document is fine. I would change the <article></article> tag to a <section></section>. I also recommend that with the images you work with max-width so that it does not break between the different devices. It also handles a slightly smaller font size, since it is exaggeratedly large. The rest is OK. Congratulations, keep it up and you will go far πŸš€

Marked as helpful


Johnnyβ€’ 470



Thanks alot for the feedback, Garcia. i will implement the changes soon.

Lucas πŸ‘Ύβ€’ 104,580



πŸ‘ΎHello Johnny or Dexter(I can see that you're using your CSS laboratory to create some stuff), congratulations for your new solution!

Here you did everything the challenge requires dude, the only thing to improve is the background-size that's not yet taking the height 100%, use background-size to fix it, see the code below

@media (min-width: 375px)
body {
    background: url(bg-desktop.svg) no-repeat var(--clr-primary-100);
    background-size: cover;

πŸ‘‹ I hope this helps you and happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Johnnyβ€’ 470



haha, you can say there a Dexter in all of us. oh, i guess i missed that, will impliment this when I'm making corrections. thanks again for your words, Lucas. always helpful.


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