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React app with Flexbox and SCSS


Desktop design screenshot for the Memory game coding challenge

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Community feedback



Hi, Awesome work on this challenge, I understand that it's a bit complex and so you did a lot with this so good job on that. I did notice a few bugs though, which while they don't break the functionality of the app could make the usability of the app a smoother experience. Here are the things I noticed.

  1. On Devices with a width less than 320px (Mobile S in Chrome DevTools) the blue background doesn't take up 100% of the screen and instead gets cut off towards the bottom, this also happens when results are displayed.
  2. Sometimes, if I double click on a covered tile, it automatically opens up the solution (To be honest I didn't want to tell you about this one just because it seemed like a fun way to hack the game LOL)
  3. Speaking of Tiles; If I clicked too fast I found that I could get 3 tiles to be opened all at once, inversely, sometimes if I click too fast it closes other tiles and opens just one tile(The last tile I clicked).
  4. You did a good job! Now I have to give a disclaimer, I didn't go through your code because I am also working on this challenge (I in fact had to use my mentor points to view your solution out of curiosity) and didn't want to cheat but from what I can see as an end-user, this is very polished and well done, the points above are things you could work on if you feel like since they don't necessarily break the solution, Hopefully, if I complete my solution then I can look through your code and maybe you could look through mine too, Cheers!.

Marked as helpful




@htmlHxcker Hey Bud, thanks so much for your feedback! I was aware of those annoying bugs so I've just put in some time to get it sorted. Feel free to have another look to see if it's fixed (hint -- when completing the challenge yourself, make sure you disable all of the tiles when two of them have been clicked!).

I really enjoyed this challenge as it made you think about the user experience of playing the game as opposed to just the design/functionality. For me, this was the hardest part, trying to get everything to switch and update smoothly. Hope you're enjoying the challenge too!

Thanks also for spotting the inconsistencies with the height of the app at different screen sizes. This is one thing I've always struggled with when building React apps so would appreciate some help from either yourself or the rest of the community. I always get confused about what I should make 100vh and what should be 100%, and whether it should be html, body, .App, individual components, etc.

Anyway, would love to review your solution and code once you've completed it!

Best of luck!

Matt Studdert 13,611



You've done a brilliant job on this challenge, Michael! It's great to hear you enjoyed working through it. I've just spent a good 10 minutes playing, so you've done a superb job making the game flow nicely!

My main recommendation would be to add some focus states to the buttons to allow for keyboard navigation. There aren't any focus states at the moment, so it's not possible to tell which button element has focus.

Keep up the excellent work! 👍


Matt Studdert 13,611



Also, a good tweak would be to try resolving the accessibility issues in the report 🙂




@mattstuddert Hey Matt. Thanks so much for the feedback and for the mention in this week's newsletter! It's hugely satisfying reading such positive comments on my solutions and definitely keeps me motivated to keep learning and developing.

I'll definitely take a look at your suggestions to see how I can improve this challenge.

Keep up the great work with the platform!

Matt Studdert 13,611



@MikeBish13, no problem! It's a great example to the rest of the community. You're doing a fantastic job!


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