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Responsive landing page using Grid and Flexbox



Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Tear it apart!! No, I'm only kidding. Please be gentle. But I have much to learn so the more constructive feedback I receive the better. Always at the top of my mind is accessibility, organization/structure, best practices and so on. Thank you in advance for the help and support. Cheers!

Community feedback

Vanza Setia 27,855



Hello there, Jason Greenwald! 👋

Nice work on this challenge! 👍

The aria-label on the social media links might not be appropriate. They are actually the social media links of the company. So, I would recommend making the aria-label as simple as possible. For example, for the Facebook link, aria-label="Facebook".

Some more recommendations from me.

  • For the logo image and the hero image, I would recommend making them the actual image elements on the HTML instead of background images. I am sure that it will make it easier to style. Currently, you have to specify the size in order for the images to appear.
  • On 900px width, the text content of the p element (page__pitch) is very wide. So, I would recommend setting a max-width to prevent this from happening.
  • Write your code with a consistent style (e.g. the indentation, quotes, whitespace, etc). If you write your code that way, it will make it easier to read for everyone (including your future self). But, this can be done automatically by your code editor or an extension.

That's it! Hope this helps. 😊

Marked as helpful




@vanzasetia Thank you so much for the feedback!

Vanza Setia 27,855



@jaycgreenwald You're welcome! 👍




I read the accessibility report and added aria labels to the social media links. This was my first time using aria so feedback about that is appreciated.


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