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REST Countries API with color theme switcher - REACT, JS, HTML, CSS

Sean B 340


Desktop design screenshot for the REST Countries API with color theme switcher coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
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Solution retrospective

Hi all, having a little bit of trouble removing the whitespace for the URLs for the country cards. Any help is appreciated!

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffe 30,545



Hi there, Sean B! 👋

Well done on this challenge! 👍 Your solution looks good and works pretty well! 🙌

A few things I suggest are,

  • Adding cursor: pointer to the region selector (and the options in the drop-down menu) in the top-right corner of the page.
  • Adding overflow-x: hidden to the body (or something similar) to prevent a horizontal scroll bar from appearing along the bottom of the page in the desktop layout. 😉

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁


Sean B 340



@ApplePieGiraffe thank you soo much for your feedback to suggestions make complete sense to me and I have implemented them.

Can you offer any advice to clear the HTML issues coming up in the report?

Thanks again Sean

ApplePieGiraffe 30,545




Hey, Sean! I'm not very familiar with React (yet), but I think following abhik-b's advice might help (replacing the white space with - or _ might help because of what the solution report says). 😀

Abhik 4,840



Hi Sean B 👋, Fantastic job on this challenge 🙌

  • it looks amazing, I loved the box-shadows, filter transitions, search based filter
  • your site is very responsive , great job here 💯
  • giving some align-items: center; to .head-content can make it look nicer
  • for small screens , giving the filter div width:100% can make it look a lot nicer
  • idk which whitespace you were talking about, I liked those cards

I took some inspirations from your site, Happy Coding 😇 and *Keep contributing these fantastic * solutions 🚀


Sean B 340



Hi, @abhik-b thanks for your feedback. By whitespace I just mean the empty spaces within the image URL I get back from the API to display the image. I'm getting errors back and would like to clear the HTML issues.

Abhik 4,840



@Sean-Bradbury Since you are using jsx , the easiest way to fix that might be

<img className="country-flag" src={props.flag.trim()} alt="" srcset={props.flag}/>

However I checked the report and it seems the problem is also elsewhere ( country details links ) href='/country/Åland Islands'>

Aland Islands can be replaced with Aland_Islands, Bolivia (Plurinational State of) can be replaced with Bolivia_Plurinational_State_of

Then before fetching doing something like below can be helpful'_',' ')

**Just a update ** I saw you actually encode your url , so that might fix the issues , without following my solution , so have you regenerated the reports ?

Hope this Helps 🤞


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