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SASS (Grid & Flexbox)

Eray• 1,410


Desktop design screenshot for the Loopstudios landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Any feedback is welcome.

Community feedback

Raymart Pamplona• 16,140



Hey, awesome work on this one. Desktop layout looks really great, it is responsive and the mobile state looks great as well.

Some suggestions would be:

  • First, you should have nest the section on the markup inside the main since it is one of the main content of the page and because it should be inside a landmark element.
  • Avoid using id attribute as a selector in css because it is a bad practice due to css specificity. Use class to target elements.
  • Website-logo should not be inside the nav since it is not being treated as a link, use a tag on it with an appropriate aria-label and use it on the nav.
  • Website-logo img should be using the website's name as the alt like alt="loopstudios". Remember that a website's logo is meaningful so always make sure it uses the proper alt value.
  • Also when using alt attribute, avoid using words that relates to "graphic" such as "logo" and others. An img is already an image/graphic so no need to describe it as one.
  • Do not directly type the wordings as uppercase on the markup, if you do this, screen-reader will read the text letter-by-letter and not by the wordings. Use only the lowercase version to write in the markup and instead use text-transform: uppercase on it.
  • Other images that are used could have use a better alt because what does alt="interactive.jpg" means? Right.
  • When wrapping a text-content do not just use span to wrap it, use meaningful element like a p tag if it just a regular text or heading tag if it is an heading.
  • see all should be using a tag since it will be more like a link on a real site, a page-link where users can "see all" creations.
  • You could use ul on the creations since those are "list" of creations.
  • Also, you could have use a tag inside the creation's title since again, on a real site, it would be a link to view a single creation.


  • Same for the website-logo it should use the website name as the alt value.
  • Links below the logo could have use nav since those are still your website's navigational links.
  • Each a tag that wraps social media, it should have either aria-label attribute or screen-reader element inside it. The value for whatever method you will use should be the name of the social media like aria-label="facebook" on the facebook link a tag. This way, users will know where this link would take them.
  • img for the social-medias should be hidden since those are only decorative images, so use alt="" and extra aria-hidden="true" on it.


  • Remove the width: 100vw on the #banner as this causes horizontal scroll.
  • Hamburger menu should be using a button element since it is a control. Again, interactive components uses interactive elements. By using div you are making it not-accessible.


  • The button will be using the method I mentioned using aria-label attribute or screen-reader element inside. The value will describe what does the button do. The value could be aria-label="navigational dropdown menu".
  • The img inside the button should be hidden, use the method I mentioned above.
  • The button should have a default aria-expanded="false" attribute on it. It will be set to true if the user toggles the button.

Aside from those, great work again on this one.

Marked as helpful


Eray• 1,410



@pikamart Thank you for the detailed review! I noticed some of them after submitting. Though new things learnt regarding accessbility by your comment.

For hamburger menu, in this project I wanted go with full CSS, hence I used checkbox instead button. But I guess it would be better to use aria-label and tabindex on the label for accessbility. In the long run I'll be using button with JS for toggle menu. This was more of a challenge when I saw in the brief it could be done without JS.

Anyways thanks for your time this was really helpful :)


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