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Semantic HTML5 markup CSS custom properties Grid layout Media queries


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Please, check the responsiveness of the page to different screen sizes.

Community feedback



Hi @SAAJEVES, I had a look as requested in your comment and I've got some suggestions. I would modify your media query to not switch to desktop layout so soon - 425px is definitely not enough space to have the image and text next to each other.

In desktop as well, I would suggest setting a max-width to all content (so on your header and main). I think it will really benefit the design - on my screen, the image is really big and it pulls attention away from the text - there just isn't much content available to balance it out.

Also, you don't need to make sure that the text wraps in the same space as it does on the design (maybe other than the main heading, the breaks will usually add some visual interest and impact to them). You can let the other content flow more naturally, as long as it matches the design (more or less, depends who you ask) at the given widths.

Hope this helps :)

Marked as helpful


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