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Testimonials-slider. Spaghetti code and all sorts of disaster


Desktop design screenshot for the Coding bootcamp testimonials slider coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

Hello Mentors,

It seems like I really straggle with positioning elements. My code is full of hard-coded sizes, widths and heights. Mostly units are px's and %'s . Moreover all the numbers aren't even whole numbers e.g "margin-left: 214.756 px" , "padding-top: -49.589%" etc.... At the end it's close to the .sketch designs at required screen sizes, but somewhere between.... it's a complete disaster. Nothing is fluid or responsive.

Trying to use min, max widths but it makes the matter even worse.

Please advise! Help needed

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,545



Hey, Artem Ponomarenko! πŸ‘‹

Good work! πŸ‘ Your solution looks good!

In addition to the great feedback from rfilenko, I suggest,

  • Setting min-width: 100vh on the body so that it's always at least as tall as the viewport (and the SVG background image will then always be at the bottom of the screen).
  • You can also use overflow-x: hidden to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar on smaller desktop screens.
  • Adding a small hover state to the buttons might be a nice touch!

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁

Roman Filenkoβ€’ 3,335



Hi Artem, you did a great job, mobile looks ok, just a few edits will help with issues you encoutered. You're right about hard-coded values and funky ones like padding-top: -49.589%" - try to avoid them, so my suggestions:

  • first, set box-sizing: border-box for all elements with * selector;
  • don't use fixed values, on containers, for example set max-width, like 1200px;
  • for images it's ok to set width and height, additionally object-fit will help to preserve proper picture proportions.

Usually, it's better to start with mobile-first approach and then add needed changes with wider viewport width.

Hope this was helpfulπŸ˜‰. Good luck with edits.

Cheers, Roman





It does help, thanks! Do you know any good reads or some articles maybe about this?





OMG ! This "box-sizing: border-box" is a game changer!!!! Thanks a lot!

Roman Filenkoβ€’ 3,335



@ArtemPonomarenko nice, basically it really depends on a subject. MDN, css tricks, other webs dedicated to frontend have a lot of articles about different topics.


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